Parc de Joan Miró. Diary 24/07/20

in #photography5 years ago

The park was designed by Catalan architect Ildefons Cerdà. It commemorates the famous Catalan painter and sculptor Joan Miró (Born in Barcelona. Died in Palma, Mallorca). There are few works of art by him being placed around the park.

The park is divided into diffrent sections. One of them consists large open space with green lawn.

The other parts are pathways surrounded by lush hedgerows (the photo above) or open spaces within pine forest or palm groves.

One of six children's playgrounds. This one is next to a palm grove.

The performance stage within pine forest.



I still remember how this place was all empty when the big slaughterhouse which was taking that space was demolished. For a few years was just like that, empty and so big, one of the years they decided to celebrate the army yearly fest. I can't believe there were times when the city was feeling comfortable with that kind of celebration in town!

hhahahah! yes, I remember those times, with the army and some exhibitions with military helicopters as well

I am sure that it looked much better then comparing to what it is now. The park is semi nice. Design is a bit awkward. Half of it is concrete, grass and some sort of concrete pond. Other half is made of bush alley, palm grove with dirt and some poorly looking pine forest.
Joan Miró deserves something better than this.

That neo-mudejar former bull ring nearby, next to Plaza Espana looks beautiful though. Shame it was turned into shopping centre not some art gallery. I read that It was abandoned for years so I guess some businessman offered to buy it for such purpose.

Es una pena el nivell de degradacio que aquest parc esta patint en els ultims anys. Jo visc molt a prop...