If you are anything like me and desire to know the unknown then this post will probably interest you. I do feel that there is something out there because I once witnessed an unidentified flying object, I can't say for sure if it was inhabited by any little green men or if they were going to abduct me. I was in the house washing dishes and I kept hearing this humming sound and I decided to walk outside to investigate where this noise was coming from as I walked out on my back porch I looked down and saw shadow below then looked up and there was a UFO hovering above me making the humming noise It was a triangle shape with bright green lights down the side, it didn't stick around very long till it went straight up and then out toward the lake. I was so excited and I wanted to tell everyone, but who would believe me? Lol Did I even care if anyone believed me because I knew what I had seen with my own eyes and I felt like it was a gift I had been given.
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