3 Beginner Photography Mistakes and How To Fix Them

in #photography7 years ago


You don't need to be talented to be good at photography believe me I don't have one inch for talent in my bones. But practices makes perfect! Some say after 10,000 hours of practice you will master the skill. For me I would probably need double that. But here is 3 beginner photography mistakes and some tips on how to solve them!

Not Knowing How to Set White Balance

White balance is the metering that you set in your camera that sets the color temperature for the picture. White balance comes from your main light sources. (Daylight, Shade, Cloudy, Tungsten light, Fluorescent light etc.) You need to set the proper white balance which is the main source of light. By setting the proper white balance you will get accurate colors in your photos and they won't look to cold or warm.

To change the white balance you can go into your settings or even look for a button on your camera that is labelled 'WB'. Most cameras will have a icon that is related to the light source.


Blurry / Unsharp Images

Nothing screams more that you are a amateur photographer than having a blurry and unsharp image!

A quick fix to this is to shoot with a faster shutter speed and position yourself with a steady posture or a tripod. You can also use a higher ISO if you are in a area with little light. But it mostly comes down to how steady your posture is! You don't want to be swaying back and forth while taking the next photo of the year!


Not Setting the Correct Exposure

This is a common one that many people are unaware on how to set the exposure on their camera. You will see in the camera a light meter that if you can get it perfectly in the center you will have a perfectly exposed image. Also don't be afraid to shoot in higher ISO. Be aware of shadows and your overall surroundings.


Wooow 😍


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OMG, memories memories memories, these photos take me a stray

this post isnt even bout them photos tho

Howdy partner, I'm @photocurator, a curation bot; I keep an eye on the photo feeds, I vote random photos of my followers and at the end of the day I publish a post with links to the best photos. Follow @photocurator to get your photos curated in the future!

Cool, thanks for the information, I usually just leave it on auto, but sometimes when I have time, I will freak-around with white balance and exposure...

Auto is fine! Its great if you are lost and not sure what settings to use! You can tweak around from there!

I don't always have time to tweak. I did it all back in the day of black n white photography, kind of got a bit sick of it, now I like auto and chill... 😎

Great Tips. A pic greatly clicked can save you from hours of editing .