Another spectacular image at Billy Frank Jr. Nisqually, Olympia. WA. It's supposed to have water around, but even though they're dried out, it won't take away the beauty of it.
Sure enough, 5 miles walk is really worth it.
Another spectacular image at Billy Frank Jr. Nisqually, Olympia. WA. It's supposed to have water around, but even though they're dried out, it won't take away the beauty of it.
Sure enough, 5 miles walk is really worth it.
Negeri paman sam memang sangat indah, namun bumi parahiyangan juga tidak kalah indahnya, sukses dan sehat selalu @lugina
Iya dong, so pasti ..
Di jawa barat dimananya teh @lugina?
wow ! My Dear Just brilliant
Thank you.
it's a very nice nature photography buddy, i love to postang you friend
indah, apalagi gambar diambil saat langit biru dengan hiasan awan, momen yang tepat.
Gak sia-sia ya kak perjalanannya.
Mantap kak @lugina.
Yep, lelah pun ilang taking asik photo2 ..
Tpi klo ada yang seger2 tambah ilang lagi tuh lelahnya.
waah luar biasa bagusnya pemandangan ini kak.
Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.
Wassalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh. Kakak @lugina.. Ya itu pemandangan yang indah yang menyenangkan..oh ya kakak @lugina, saya lihat itu agak mirip gurun juga ya. Mungkin kalau di negara kita Indonesia itu mirip di daerah Nusa tenggara timur ya. Agak kering gitu. Tapi yang pastinya postingan anda menarik perhatian saya ya.. thank you very much kak.. postingan anda membuat saya gembira.. terutama karena saya bisa berjumpa kakak lagi..
Sebetulnya bukan gurun, tapi rawa lindung yg sudah kering airnya. Biasanya penuh, entah kenapa musim ini beda ..
a magnificent view of the universe with extraordinary photo shots.
beautiful result @lugina
coupled with extraordinary photographs.
nice landscapes @lugina shots from whom this @lugina husband or you yourself.
coupled with extraordinary photographs.
yes really very beautiful landscape of his @lugina amazing shots @lugina
@lugina ,very nice Amazing Bold Scenes From Nature. Thank you've shared
You bet ..
excellent shots looking so beautiful wow
Perjalanan sangat memberikan pengalaman berharga ditiap momentnya kk @lugina
Beautiful place. It's really worth it to go 5 miles. And you are very good at photography, all kinds of exciting. My favorite bird shot. So much sky and air in it!
Thank you, Those are my favoritse too ... I love blue sky since Seattle isn't giving us too often.
Pemandangan yang cantik ;
@steem881 you're on the @abusereports naughty list! Bad Steemian!