In the post about the Veczemju cliffs I mentioned our slightly crazy storm chasing adventures from 2005. Ervīns was one of the strongest and most devastating storms in last 35 years in Latvia, wind speed at times reaching 40 meters per second.
Day after the storm had hit the hardest, we decided to go storm hunting. Very sane thing to do? Probably not. We did it anyway. We headed out with the car, but almost got stuck in our village. Road was blocked with fallen trees and we had to turn around and look for another way. Wind was still rather nasty and our main concern was to move fast through the areas with trees.
As we were heading in the direction of the sea, we saw places by the road where the wind had bulldozered through taking down patches of trees, houses with damaged roofs, heavily flooded areas by the rivers and cut power lines, but there was one thing we did not expect at all.
There was a truck driving in front of us. The wind blew and the truck flipped on the side about ten meters from us. Driver got out and looked around a little confused of what just had happened. Let’s just say, we drove a lot more careful after that.
Once we “safely” reached the cliffs, our jaws dropped from the sight of the sea that now was raging red and hit the sandstone outcrops full force. The wind was so strong we barely could stand straight. In fact, we could lean against the wind and not fall down at all. It was like being in horizontal wind tunnel of some sort. It was crazy dangerous and epic at the same time.

If you look closely at the third photo from the top, this is the same birch tree thirteen years later. It survived the storm and looks like is there to stay a while longer. You can also imagine how tall the waves were. Some of these cliffs are about four meters or more high.

Now you too have a better insight of how these sandstone outcrops were created over the decades.
Day after the storm had hit the hardest, we decided to go storm hunting. Very sane thing to do? Probably not. We did it anyway. We headed out with the car, but almost got stuck in our village. Road was blocked with fallen trees and we had to turn around and look for another way. Wind was still rather nasty and our main concern was to move fast through the areas with trees.
As we were heading in the direction of the sea, we saw places by the road where the wind had bulldozered through taking down patches of trees, houses with damaged roofs, heavily flooded areas by the rivers and cut power lines, but there was one thing we did not expect at all.
There was a truck driving in front of us. The wind blew and the truck flipped on the side about ten meters from us. Driver got out and looked around a little confused of what just had happened. Let’s just say, we drove a lot more careful after that.
Once we “safely” reached the cliffs, our jaws dropped from the sight of the sea that now was raging red and hit the sandstone outcrops full force. The wind was so strong we barely could stand straight. In fact, we could lean against the wind and not fall down at all. It was like being in horizontal wind tunnel of some sort. It was crazy dangerous and epic at the same time.

If you look closely at the third photo from the top, this is the same birch tree thirteen years later. It survived the storm and looks like is there to stay a while longer. You can also imagine how tall the waves were. Some of these cliffs are about four meters or more high.

Now you too have a better insight of how these sandstone outcrops were created over the decades.
Song of the day: Muse - Psycho
Epic memories ^^
I remember how I did not realize at first that it was the sea I was looking at, not being used to the horizon appearing so high and with that clay colour to it.
And the gulls, they absolutely loved the storm, you could see how joyful they were, playing around in the powerful wind and waves. It hadn't occurred to me that storms make gulls so excited and playful.
And then you get smacked by sand and water right in the face, and now it's in your mouth because you were smiling at the gulls like an idiot. xD
Funny thing I did not remember about the gulls at all, but the taste of the sea was in the air for sure, haha!
Wonderful colors! Very peaceful looking...AND SAD
Thank you. Why sad though? When I think of this storm I smile a lot, but I guess I was really young back then and just excited about the storm. I love storms for some reason.
that's great :))
Right when you said that, Michael Jackson's Smooth Criminal started playing in my head 😂
lol, that was possible for sure!
Hi m31. Sand stone is not very strong so will erode quite quickly. We have all done something stupid that we know we shouldn't have. Going out in a big storm is not smart but it is fun.
With more storms like this one for sure. It would be probably interesting to compare older photos of the sandstone with some of these and see how it has changed over time and how quickly it has eroded.
It was really fun indeed ^^
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Oh my! Thank you so much :) I'm honored.
Totally stealing your idea of taking a picture of a picture on a beach.
You want to know a little secret? Ahaha the background in the pictures of pictures actually were not taken on beach, but looks that way. I went to local football field that has been abandoned for a while and there was this box of white sand that was used for jumping. Turned out nicely though :)
That looks amazing, the storm must have been so cool and scary to see! Nice pictures as always and great post! I’m in Lithuania at the moment xD and I’ve visited some nice places here too and will visit Jūrmala in a few days too :). Hope it will be just as great as Latvia always has been!
Good Post 😆
Thank you :)
My favorite trees from your previous post! I'm glad you'll survive that storm :) Excellent post!
Nature is a powerful and formidable force that creates wonder after wonder. I enjoyed that piece M and the photography is on point as usual. Very nice.
Woah... Crazy adventure indeed. Real adventure with real danger!
I've always loved storms. In the north-east of South Africa, in the summer time, we have some epic storms. You can smell it in the air sometimes an hour before the storm hits... And there's just this electric feeling... The wildlife behaves differently, the birds stop chirping, etc...
And then suddenly, swwwooossshhh, crawkcrACK... And the drops start pelting the earth. I loved it!
But I wouldn't spend too much time outside, hehe... The lightning took out a tree in my forest once, and I never wanted to be like that tree... ;P
But feeling that natural power all around me, staring out the window, not being able to see even a meter or two ahead because of the rain... Those were my favourite times..