The Darkroom

in #photography7 years ago

When I was 15, I built a makeshift darkroom in my bathroom. It wasn’t even remotely light proof; I had to go to enormous efforts to prepare the space every time. I could only work in the middle of the night with the door closed, plugging light leaks with towels wedged under the door, and pulling film from canisters inside of drawers while I hovered over the opening, shielding it with my body. I didn’t have a red light. All I had was an old, recycled, half-broken enlarger I salvaged from the alley behind a nearby high school's photo lab. I learned to work efficiently in perfect darkness, relying solely on my sense of touch. In time, I began experimenting with color, trying my best to approximate the right temperatures with the hot and cold knobs on my sink, dunking a small, metal tank in a mixing bowl of water, and trying to work quickly before it cooled down. I never got it quite right, so the products of my experiments were highly unpredictable and strewn with color, and seldom the colors that reflected reality.

But I didn’t really want them to reflect reality anyway. Those messy photography experiments felt appropriate. They were a lens to the world in a way that nobody else saw it, in the same way that my eyes saw things that others didn’t.

It was around that age that I began experiencing my first bipolar episode. I wouldn’t sleep for more than an hour or two for days on end; six days, in one case. I’d sneak out of the fourth story window and down the scaffolding of my apartment building in the middle of the night and go on adventures with people I had just met, coming home an hour or so before I had to leave for school. Sometimes I left just to sit on lifeguard towers staring at the ocean. I became convinced that there was a colony of flies living in the walls that would only buzz when the lights were out, taunting me into insanity. I couldn’t eat much, or I’d forget to eat, so I weighed as little as my body would tolerate. I felt invincible.

But the lows hit hard too, and I’d spend weeks in absolute despair, crying between classes, spending my lunch periods alone in the corner of the field reading. I couldn’t relate to other people my age. I’d see them gossiping and laughing, and I just didn’t see how anything in this world could be so funny, least of all the misfortunes of others. I wrote a lot. I have diaries upon diaries filled with poetry and poetic prose about the places I went and the things I saw, and the things I felt, with my little photography experiments pasted down in rubber cement, on pages I sewed together myself.

My parents were hard on me; they believed that I was exhibiting “teenage angst” and that I was simply being duplicitous, and all I needed was some good fashioned discipline. They took my door off its hinges so as to monitor me at night, but that only worked for as long as they could stay awake. It’s unfortunate that mental illnesses tend to appear at exactly the wrong times, when adolescents are taken the least seriously, and parents are the most frustrated. That's the nature of insanity; it's based entirely on misunderstanding, when realities clash and disagree.


This is a fantastic writing. It's such a wonderful thing that we find ourselves more understood in the space of art we create when no one else can seem to help. Creative escape is like an emergency room built within ourselves. The photographs and diaries though. They must be so valuable to you. And they are absolutely beautiful.

Thank you so much. I'm wondering if I might share some of those pages since there's a lot of it and maybe people would like them but... it's a lot less scary to share things that aren't about yourself.

I agree. As long as you feel like you can publicize them, I guess. It's not easy to open up about personal stories, indeed.

This is beautiful writing.

The memories of our growth through adolescence can be intriguing and interesting. Oddly enough its when we have great desire to understand life and all thats in it. Lucky you documented some part of yours 😀

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"I’d spend weeks in absolute despair, crying between classes, spending my lunch periods alone in the corner of the field reading. I couldn’t relate to other people my age. I’d see them gossiping and laughing, and I just didn’t see how anything in this world could be so funny, least of all the misfortunes of others."

I had similar experiences, growing up with undiagnosed aspergers. I wrote a novel which draws heavily upon them, mostly as a form of free self-therapy. If you'd like, I can direct you to where you can read it for free.

Aw, that's rough. Yes, I would like that.