I believe in some of my blogs i have mentioned that my dad owned a bakery when he was still alive and we spend all our free hours there helping our parents with the homemade pastries and bread . But that was a long time ago since my dad is absent from our lives for more than 8 years :(
Here in Greece most people don't spend too much time preparing breakfast cause there are so many bakeries that sell almost everything that you like and they are usually cheap and filling :) . I don't ever remember myself growing up and making breakfast at home cause my dad used to make amazing bread sticks , soft and a little sweet , tasted like greek tsoureki and i always grabbed some of them to start my day. If i wanna be sincere with myself , that was not the most healthy option but still ... yolo, right ?
And so today i decided to share with you some pics that i took with my cellphone today morning at the bakery just across my work ! The cashier who is also my friend told me that i was crazy but there is nothing that i wouldn't do for you boys and girls ;)
First thing you see when you enter the bakery are that little sweet treats
i don't know why but i call them " the cookie zone " if that even makes sense :)
and then we have the usual dognuts and greek koulouria thessalonikis that you can find almost everywhere
and greek pastries of course like ham and cheese pie, cheese pie, sausage pie
and of course mini sausage and cheese rolls
and the different breads for every taste
with the customers that came along to buy the goods :)
Last photo is a coffee machine that actually turns greek coffee beans to fresh coffee :)
And of course you are all invited whenever you visit my beautiful country for a cup of Greek yummy coffee , just let me know :)
Thank you all who took the time to read my blog and enjoy today ! Greetings from Greece !
Mmmmmmm i adore sweets)))) yummy!!
totally yummy but extremely calorie dense as well :)