Did I mention and admit to feel so so guilty since I read this and that I am actually a part of that 💩 vibe because I do what I do or don’t do and this since 3 years. I don’t consider my “shitposts” as shit because short photo posts via @appics are needed to relax like Instagram, my daily journal.
I also autovote for my favourite authors who deserve my votes but turn it on and off. I also curate manually to find new people and I spend hours reading, not often time to comment properly but I try.
Puuuhhh Did I justify my “naughty” behavior right now? I guess I did ....I made a plan and will write proper articles inbetween 😅🤪 again.
Long story short reg. HF, whatever number : The rich get richer and so on ( just like in the real world” and for the first time in my life I feel that I am one of those MF’s 😉😂 because I get occasionally whale votes. The ones who know me what hardworking bee I am....I was....The others never even gave a damn “shit” about my loyalty to this “crowd”.
thanks so much @mammasitta
Posted using Partiko Android
Did I mention and admit to feel so so guilty since I read this and that I am actually a part of that 💩 vibe because I do what I do or don’t do and this since 3 years. I don’t consider my “shitposts” as shit because short photo posts via @appics are needed to relax like Instagram, my daily journal.
I also autovote for my favourite authors who deserve my votes but turn it on and off. I also curate manually to find new people and I spend hours reading, not often time to comment properly but I try.
Puuuhhh Did I justify my “naughty” behavior right now? I guess I did ....I made a plan and will write proper articles inbetween 😅🤪 again.
Long story short reg. HF, whatever number : The rich get richer and so on ( just like in the real world” and for the first time in my life I feel that I am one of those MF’s 😉😂 because I get occasionally whale votes. The ones who know me what hardworking bee I am....I was....The others never even gave a damn “shit” about my loyalty to this “crowd”.
Ph we want the great posts from @mammasitta back!. I know you can do it. And fuck appics. lol
Posted using Partiko Android
Oh well oh well can’t always be “A Grade” and sometimes we also need to POSE ....no idea why that track jumped in my mind 😅
In that kind of poo mood maybe 😉
Posted using Partiko iOS
lol poo mood! 😂😂😂
this track just jumped into my mind
Posted using Partiko Android
Duran Duran ! oh yeah!
Posted using Partiko iOS
Hehehe I love that band, but don't tell anyone ok? 😂
Posted using Partiko Android
Sorry but I 💕 to be an appics “ambassador” 🤪
Posted using Partiko iOS
Oh nice! I didn't get to be one, I am not hot enough! 😂 but I have photos with the team at least haahah
Posted using Partiko Android
Pose Pose Pose hahaha ....
Posted using Partiko iOS