Welcome to the sixth post of the series of City Contrast photographs!
Still on the streets...
Not obsolete, not yet ;)
Nothing special about the settings, this time.
ISO: 200; Aperture: F 5.6; Shutter Speed: 1/60 sec
Sony Alpha6000 with a kit lens.
Previous parts of the series:
City Contrasts #1 — A Bird In The Hand
City Contrasts #2 — Thousands Upon Thousands Of Souls
City Contrasts #3 — Urban Zen Place
City Contrasts #4 — And Urban Zun Place
City Contrasts #5 — Through The Looking Bus

An interesting photo) There is a balance of black and white.
Awesome photos!
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Classic cars are always a great subject. Pretty cool seeing those around in your area. Most common cars I see here are from the 90's era.