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RE: "You Never Take A Bad Picture!!"

in #photography5 years ago

Interesting topic, always. I agree it is normal to have a lot of trash. And sifting out your own photos is a skill that also gets developed constantly. One year you like them, next you don't...This is the way it is.

Also, bad results are necessary in order to achieve really good and interesting results. Otherwise, there's no experiment, no brave attempts at the next height, and so on...

And I saw a challenge within this post. I shall try blowing up that background at 35 mm and F 4 and perhaps share my bad results ;)

Keep on!


You must always keep doing more and trying different things, sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn’t :)

Quite so.

Besides, if you kept them, then you find something in each of them, something you can't yet discard.