Enjoy the breathtaking underwater world of the island Koh Haa. The cristal clear water was allowed me to make some great pictures.
Dive in Koh Haa
After 2 days relaxation in Koh Lanta - Thailand I felt ready to dive. I looked on the internet from a trusted diving company. In my case that was kontiki diving company which also only a few meters from my hotel was located. I chose a dive spot - Koh Haa. Suitable for advanced and beginners.
With the pickup I was picked up at the hotel. nick was assigned to me budy as diving. A very experienced but young diver. My happiness were the other diving guests from another diving company. So Nick and I was the smallest group formed for this diving.
On the way to Kho Haa
this is me Marco
this is my dive budy Nick
Pictures say more than 1000 words. Enjoy now the underwater world of Kho Haa.
All #photography i take whit a sony sybershot camera.
my diving education: advance diver
PS: Sorry about my bad english
More info's about Kho Haa you find here
pictures Koh Haa (from Sailing-phuket.com)
Youtube Video (from Lazydiv3r)
More and details about the fishes you can find here.
Kon Tiki Kho Lanta
#photo #photos #koh-haa #thailand #diving #travel #@mar1978co
Wow awesome pictures!