Famous Tourist Spot Pidie Jaya District. Pidie Jaya District is one of the districts in Aceh, Indonesia. The capital is Meureudu.
Pidie Jaya District consists of eight sub-districts, Bandar Baru sub-district with its capital Lueng Putu, Pante Raja sub-district of Keude Pante Raja, Trienggadeng sub-district, the capital of Keude Trienggadeng, Meureudu sub-district, the capital of Meureudu city, Meurahudu sub district of Simpang Puet, Uluk sub-district Keude Ulim, Kecamatan Jangka Buya The capital of Keude Jangka Buya, Bandar Dua sub-district The capital of Ulee Gle.