Thanks, I take lots of demonic photos many more than i,ve shown so far but don,t get the response i would have thought. When i first realised the truth seeing these things and knowing the devil is real i knew God is there and showing me and i am an atheist no longer. The prince of the air is the ultimate con man and is doing a job on the masses. I,ll post a demon with the head of a bulldog that i took in an old 12thc church. Interested to know what you think?
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Sure man. It's a big thing these days especially on youtube, demonic games in videos - ouija board, trying to posses a doll with demonic spirits etc. And it's taken the internet by storm. The prince is having his day indeed. Even professed christians using a spirit box to talk to the dead, which the bible forbids.
Your so right and there are a lot more posessed people walking around this planet than one might think. I actually saw demons attached to the back of a ladies head when she was walking on a pavement and could not stop myself from speaking to her. Amazingly she knew something was with her and it was the first time her husband who was next to her was told because she was frightened to mention it incase she thought she was crazy. I pointed her to the KJV Bible and Ephesians 6 The Armour of God and now she can fight! There is a smartphone photo i,ve posted showing a demon attached to the back of a ladies head. I was an atheist until i saw these things and i realised if the devil is real i know that God is and of course JESUS . Since finding the Truth i,ve had many supernatural experiences and tried helping some people to be delivered even seen the frog like demons exiting their mouths and have some photos. Then to make certain these evil spirits were gone i took them to a Cathedral and they asked Jesus to come into them and they could feel him just as i could when it happened to me. God Bless you brother!