Send a bill. Tell them that you would happily have let them use your picture for free but that you are going to have to charge €500 for it now. I've heard this is standard operational procedure in cases like this.
Send a bill. Tell them that you would happily have let them use your picture for free but that you are going to have to charge €500 for it now. I've heard this is standard operational procedure in cases like this.
I would do exactly this if it wasn't a charity organisation that I had previously given pictures to.
Lieventäviä asianhaaroja kuitenkin tommoset.
Aivan. No, lähetä sitten sähköposti, jossa kohteliaasti mutta tiukan asiallisesti kerrot, että olisi ollut asiallista kysyä lupa tai edes mainita kuvan ottaja.
Lähetin :) olin asiallinen ja kehotin jatkossa olemaan tarkempi tekijän- ja käyttöoikeuksien kanssa. Saa nähä mitä vastaa.