You are very much on the right track. I think a lot of people a sick and tired of slick and polished magazine covers. There aren't too many do-it-all-yourself people like you around.
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You are very much on the right track. I think a lot of people a sick and tired of slick and polished magazine covers. There aren't too many do-it-all-yourself people like you around.
I think there is a place and time for the glossy images too, and that is, in the magazine covers and billboard ads, but when it's somewhere else, we like a little more reality. Though I HATEHATEHATE inhorealismi! Tiedätkö jotain hyvää sanaa joka vastais englannin kielessä samaa? Ite oon löytäny vaan sanan gritty mutta se ei mun mielestä omaa läheskään samaa efektiä.
Ei oikein löydy muita kuin sellaisia, joita on tuon sanan gritty määritelmässä. Raw on yksi sellainen.
Vaikea tarkkaan sanoa mikä efekti sillä on englanninkielisiin ihmisiin.