flowers, (broken plates)

in #photography7 years ago


the flowers are so amazing and very beautiful, the uniqueness of this flower once blooms very much.

bunga yang sangat menakjubkan dan sangat indah, keunikan bunga ini mekar sangat banyak.


This flower has a very strong appeal, this flower also has a very unique story.

Bunga ini memiliki daya tarik yang sangat kuat, bunga ini juga memiliki cerita yang sangat unik.




in ancient times there were families living in remote villages, and they had a very beautiful girl. he saw this very beautiful flower then he touch the flower licked. after he was satisfied to see the flower, then he washed the dirty dishes. he had just picked up a dirty plate and then the plate broke apart. to the next day he also looked at this flower and he touch the flower again. and when he washed the dishes, the plates fell apart too. to the next day also happened the same thing after he touch this flower. on the next day again he did not want to touch this flower and the plate that he cucipun not broken again.
in the name of this flower. discard broken plate.
by that beautiful girl.

Di zaman kuno ada keluarga yang tinggal di desa terpencil, dan mereka memiliki seorang gadis yang sangat cantik. Ia melihat bunga yang sangat indah ini kemudian ia menyentuh bunga yang dijilat. Setelah dia puas melihat bunga itu, maka dia mencuci piring kotor. Dia baru saja mengambil piring kotor dan kemudian piringnya pecah. Keesokan harinya dia juga melihat bunga ini dan dia menyentuh bunga itu lagi. dan saat mencuci piring, piring-piring juga berantakan. Keesokan harinya juga terjadi hal yang sama setelah ia menyentuh bunga ini. Keesokan harinya lagi dia tidak mau menyentuh bunga ini dan piring yang dia cucipun tidak pecah lagi.
atas nama bunga ini buang piring yang rusak
oleh gadis cantik itu.

That is all and thank you


Unique flower

Terimah kasih

these flowers are amazing and full of strong charm. However, what is more charming than sleeping naked? Check it out: