
V Mexiku (kousek od města kde jsme bydleli) je zátoka, kde tyhle karety žijou. Vezmeš šnorchl a jdeš normálně mezi ně :) Fotil jsem to vypůjčeným podvodním foťákem... Ty největší kusy můžou vážit i 300 kilo, úžasná zvířata...

Btw, I would love to see some wildlife photos from Panama from you @evecab :) I am sure you would have no troubles creating a photo series like this one too :)

wow they're such great shots! You got incredibly close! I have never seen a wild toucan here, they are so beautiful! The viper and tarantula freaked me out though LOL. We don't have any tarantulas where I live, or at least I have never seen them on the island. If you go to the mountains, there are plenty though....OK OK challenge accepted about the photo series lol

Well, Mexico has the largest number of tarantula species (66) in the world :D But we did not see them on the coast either. You have to go further up in the inland to see them ;) Btw I saved some nice spider shots for the second part too haha ;)

I cannot wait to check out your wildlife photo series Eve! :)) Good luck!

oohh looking forward to those! I used to be very scared of spiders, but living in the tropics kinda cures that LOL. Tarantulas are my exception though they are just too big not to bescary. Scorpions also...urgh. OK will post some pics soon =)