Hallo steemaians, on this occasion I want to share photography wildlife green paroots It has been a while since I shared this wildlife photography in this blog. This one was taken some time ago. Now after a little warm up, I hope to get out and get more photo portraits like this.
I still remember how fast these birds are and are hard to catch. This is the luckiest shot, the sun set and the epic look in this massive Lily Gymea.
I framed the shot and for my pleasure, this little honey eater landed perfectly in my frame.
There is something special from a nice bird photo. I'm not sure if this is a concept to catch something in the middle of a flight or strange alien form that they do while perched on top of wire or branch. Often, I find birds moving too fast to record on camera.
They drove from place to place, singing their songs, ignoring the world under their wings.
The Japanese photographer describing his rapid ascent in the world of photography through a green parrot photo. Perched, in flight, swarming, smooth, weird, and amazing.
This work is already a few years old now, this book is still in print, originally published by IMA photo books in 2014. This project is the result of a year photographing a Tokyo parrot that was originally brought to Japan from Sri Lanka and then released. by an inattentive owner
Cause they breed without natural predators and overtake a certain neighborhood in the city of Tokyo. Mizutani can find where the parrot nests and photographs it in the daytime very quickly. Often the foreground of the picture is illuminated by white light and the setting of the sunset or natural light is still available from the diminishing daylight. It gives its image a colorful surreal quality, freezing many birds in frames with open wings as they run from one place to another.
What makes this book so fascinating is how Mizutani can isolate birds individually and simultaneously document the flock at the same time. You can feel his commitment to this project, you can imagine him going out at night to photograph a beautiful maniac bird. Dedication to a topic similar to Wolfgang Tillman's obsession with Concorde. Mizutani relentlessly and committed showed that he took this seriously seriously.
While this book is a few years old now, I want to write about it because I feel it is a must for serious photobook collectors. 
Thank you my friend has dropped in my post, I am happy to share this photography with you all. hopefully be entertained. 
portrait of this bird with Hp Oppo F1f