Awesome Style Took Photographe

in #photography7 years ago



was lying on something that felt like a camp bed, ex-
cept that it was higher off the ground and that he was
fixed down in some way so that he could not move. Light

that seemed stronger than usual was falling on his face.
O’Brien was standing at his side, looking down at him in-
tently. At the other side of him stood a man in a white coat,

quoteholding a hypodermic syringe
Even after his eyes were open he took in his surround-
ings only gradually. He had the impression of swimming up
into this room from some quite different world, a sort of un-
derwater world far beneath it. How long he had been down
there he did not know. Since the moment when they arrest-
ed him he had not seen darkness or daylight. Besides, his
memories were not continuous.

There had been times when
consciousness, even the sort of consciousness that one has
in sleep, had stopped dead and started again after a blank
interval. But whether the intervals were of days or weeks or
only seconds, there was no way of knowing.


great picture! very nice

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