I was walking my dog at 5am when I heard something making loud noises and i saw a fat raccoon eating something. It looked liked it weighed 60-70 pounds. Me and my dog had a starring contest with the raccoon. We lost after starring at it for like 5 mins. Couldn't get a clear picture with my iphone 6.
The Tree of Life, or Etz haChayim (עץ החיים) has upvoted you with divine emanations of Gods creation itself ex nihilo. We reveal Light by transforming our Desire to Receive for Ourselves to a Desire to Receive for Others. I am one of the 10 attributes/emanations part of the Curator Guild (Sephiroth), through which Ein Sof (The Infinite) reveals Itself.
Bloodhounds are prized for their ability to single out and identify a number of scents simultaneously.