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RE: So Beautiful And Innocent Looking, Yet So Cruel

in #photography7 years ago

There is tremendous beauty and balance in nature. Those plants eat insects but some insects, like beetles, eat plants. Some animals like cows and deer, eat plants. Some animals, like frogs, eat insects. And some animals, like lions and tigers, eat other animals.
Left to itself, nature balances itself and there is a great beauty in that ability to organize and balance.

But by eating other living things, whether animal or plant, there is still some harm, some destruction being done. What would happen if every living organism could live on prana, or Divine Energy and not kill anything else. That, would really be the highest Beauty.


exactly .. am mostly a green chewer
and I love gardening so can you imagine a world where they could talk?
I'd probably end up ultra malnourished there

but that's the cycle of life
eat or be eaten ...

Yeah, that would probably be difficult to eat a plant that you are conversing with.