
5 cent self upvote and you couldnt have at least written more than just one word? really lame man... really lame./ YTou do whatyou want but when you do lazy shit like this you might as well have just posted a picture of your owwn shit and yourself giving uis the middle finger,because thats basically what this is, a big fuck you to all the steemians like me who take the time to write lng thoughftul commments... you cant even take the time to give upvotes to Other comments even 1 cent when there are comments with whole paragraphss, you could at least given a few otehr comments a penny or two THEN given yourself the 5 cent upvote FATER you at LEAST wrote two sentences, is it THAt hard to write just 14 or 20 words??? It literally takes seconds and a few movements of your wrist and fingers... probobly burning less than 0.01 of your daily energy output...

LOl come on man, just try harder.. when you push YOUR one word comment up past the many other comments here from people who actually put in effort, your insulting everyone and just playing the game ina really lame and pathetic manner. Why cant you just talke the time to give out a few 1 cent upvotes to at least 1 r two pther comments before giving yourSELRF one 5 cent upvote pushing itto the top when all u wrote was ONE word? IUf you had just wroitten ONE 10 word sentence, iu wouldnt have cared! If you could have just wroitten a FEW senmtences so your comment was at LEAST as long as the OTHER comments in here, it would make you and steem lok SO much better!

But its spammy comments like this that lowers the overall value and quality of steem, so please, try harder, if not for our sake for yur OWN sake! You YOURSELF will get FDAr mor eupvotes when you leav THUGHTFUl messages and not just one word with 2 exclamation points !!

Sorry if im a lil harsh man, but i get sick of it! But as u can tell, i aint flaggin u, do whsat u wnat but just know thats how i feel, i may be wrong, maybe i shouldnt care but when u assert your ONE word comment over EVERYPONE elses, when others actualy put EFFORT into their comments, its just not Fair and so i made it fair and rearranged these comments but still kept your comment second t top sopeopel coudl see what it looks like to just upvote your wn low effort onme word spam comment to thetop of an otehrwise nice post.

Nice comment 🤯