
Oh, a Nikon brother!! :) lookin' to see those compositions!

(I'm new at Nikon, I've always used a compact Canon...till I lost her:( Then I bought a huge camera, this one is impossible to lose, it's too big!)

I use my Nikon D3100 for private photos and my Canon IXUS 230 for blogging purposes - it's the perfect take anywhere camera, and I absolutely love it :))

It's a good combination indeed. I first bought Canon sx100 (got broken) and then Canon SX130...that "jumped" from my backpack. Now I'm really in love for my Nikon, I must explore how it works!

The Nikon equivalent in the point and shoot cameras is the Coolpix range - these are good cheap cameras equivalent to the Canon IXUS range.

Nikon 3300 fits my hand perfectly. Guess that's one of my criteria, not a Nikon or Canon brand defender. (But when buying a camera these are the brands I always look for, they have reliability).

I didn't upgrade to the Nikon D3200 or D3300 as too many controls for me!!

It's my first DSLR camera, I'm still adapting...while then a new Nikon 3400 was released!!This pisses me off a bit...