10 things you should avoid searching on Google.

in #photography7 years ago
  • In most cases, Google can be a great help when it comes to finding what you need. However, sometimes this works against you.
  • i made a list of things you should avoid searching on Google.

1-  Your symptoms

 First, let's talk about your health problems. There are many websites that specialize in such content and, of course, most of them are not managed by professional doctors. Searching for the meaning of your symptoms on the Internet will definitely not help you. On the contrary: it will make you feel worse and you will panic. If you have some kind of annoyance, do not go to "Doctor Google". Go to a real doctor. 

2-  Criminal instructions

We say it seriously. You may try to look for things like "how to make a bomb" or "how to make amphetamines" out of pure interest, but keep in mind that the security and drug control services always monitor this type of searches and your IP address can appear in your database, you do not want to get into trouble because of your curiosity, right? 

3-  Cancer

 This is the case where the less you know, the better you sleep. There are so many types of this disease and most of them have symptoms that could be very common for many other harmless diseases. Most people feel things like dizziness, weakness or nausea, so you can take another cancer disease and you will panic. 

4- Infestations of bed bugs

 Surely you've heard about these little monsters, especially in hotel reviews. And maybe you've even experienced its damage in your own flesh. But have you ever thought about what bed bug bites look like? If you want to keep sleeping well at night, do not look for it. Please do not do it.

5- The lungs of a smoker

 Many people smoke and from time to time think about the damage that cigarettes do, especially to the lungs. The Internet is full of images of abnormal lungs of smokers, which you could take too seriously and go crazy. You can, of course, try to googling this if you need a strong motivation to stop smoking, but it's better not to.