
Whith a fully charged RC you should be able to post 54 comments... but it needs 5 days to fully recharge. Maybe you started to soon commenting? Or you write a lot ;-)
Anyway, it's indeed very low. I can understand they had to do something against all that spam... but this solution is far from ideal...check the left column here:

I know it's easier to say than to do, but you should concentrate on getting your steempower up. The more you have, the more RC you get.
I'll send some votes to your latest post to help you with that... ;-)

I waited a full 7-day week. And thank you very much! Were you responsible for all the votes on “Only For You?”

Keep an eye on the link I send you... I think it can make it more easy to "balance" your actions...
And yes, I told you I would send some votes your way... enjoy ;-)