- 6 pieces of rice rice
- 5 champignon mushrooms, cut into pieces, stew for a while.
- 1 spring onion
- Salt 1 tsp
- 2 eggs
- 1/2 chicken breast
- 11 / 2sdm of sweet soy sauce
Ground spices:
- 2 large red peppers
- 6 pieces of red onion
- 4 cloves garlic
- Heat the oil in a skillet, saute the finely ground spices until fragrant. Set aside.
- Break the eggs in the same pan, then make scrambled eggs. Wait until cooked, add chicken suwir.
- Wait for the chicken to change color, Enter the rice, mushrooms, sweet soy sauce, salt and green onion.
- Cook until cooked, taste the flavor.
- Lift and serve with tomato slices, crackers and pickled cucumbers.