I post now more often my several animal photography to show you how beautiful the animal world is.

in #photography7 years ago

Copyright: Nima Barid-Pourreza
Copyright: Nima Barid-Pourreza
Copyright: Nima Barid-Pourreza

Every year up to 58000 animal species disappear! It's a real fact. You can do your own research. That makes me infinitely sad. We humans are the biggest cause of the extinction of so many species. We cut down whole rainforests, we destroy nature with our emissions, we do an unethical mass animal husbandry in which the animals suffer hellish torment.
Therefore I will present you now again and again my animal photography to show you the animals in a new perspective. I hope that I can contribute to increasing the esteem for animals again. Animals are something precious in the world and we have responsibility for them.


nice collection of photos, it sad to know we are loosing animals in this fast speed :(

so sad to learn that 58,000 animals disappeared from the planet on yearly basis. Such a hug numbers. Animals help to develop better eco system. We humans are our biggest enemies. By killing animals one side we are destroying the natural beauty on the other side we are disturbing the eco system. That's why we have so many diseases in these days. It's time to raise awareness against the killing of animals. Let's start this campaign from this amazing community and promise to do one post on this issue. It's a nice way to send your message around the world. Thanks for pointing out such a serious issue and sharing nice photos @monkeydnima

It's cute... thank you for that