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RE: Photo Series #58: Epiphone Casino - My Story | What do you do when not traveling?

in #photography7 years ago

Come on, don't give up! It's so rewarding when we are able to play at least one full song.
I wish I knew how to play harmonica, I've never tried though... at least it's smaller to carry around the trips.

Have you ever tried Ukulele? It's sweeeeet.


Yes I have ukelele!!!! I spent a whole summer strumming, it was great fun!!! My problem is, i can't play with other people - it's hard enough to keep my own rhythm!! I will post about the guitar when i can see Dad, as I have a cold and I can't see him as his immune system is fucked from the chemo - he is in hospital and has been sending me links to tunes on spotify all morning, bless him.

Aw, Kylie, when you can, send him a warm hug and the best positivity from a brazilian friend! I hope you and him get better soon!
I would love to read about the guitars. Btw, does your son have steemit?

No, he doesn't. He's a funny kid. Writes like an angel, every single colon and full stop in it's place, with wit and perceptiveness, but only when he is forced to. He's not like me, telling everyone my heart's depths - he speaks when he needs to, and doesn't see the point in verbosity. I always tell him he should be a music reviewer! He'd be good at it. He's busy at uni and work and that too, so I guess he barely has time as he's still getting the hang of adulting. He's one of these alt-youths too that dont spend as much time on tech as people think, which is great. I guess what I reckon describes jarrah really well is that although he's a great guitarist, he picked up the drums because he didnt want to be a front man, and everyone played the guitar, so drumming seemed like a good option if he wanted to be in a band - more chances of being in one I guess. And the fact he's becoming a sound engineer, you know, the behind the scenes man.

That's really cool to hear Kylie, I have some friends that are sound producers, it's a great and super rewarding work.
I asked about steemit because he, as a musician, could explore the hell out of it, to expose his work.

I know, he's just not that motivated in that regard. The boys have been so disorganised that they are just writing it off as a learning curve really. They put out their album (did you listen to it?) but were crap at promoting it.

I didn't actually, I'll play it right now as I work on the bike for tomorrow!

Sweet. X you off on an adventure?