The history
Hirtshals' lighthouse on top of Stenbjerg is the town's beautiful landmark. The lighthouse was opened in 1863 and was constructed in King Frederik VII's time. The king's monogram adorns the tower just above the entrance door. The lighthouse is 35 meter high and has a focal height of 57 meters, meaning the lens is 57 meter above sea. The lighthouse is situated on a cliff 22 meters above sea. Take the 144 steps up the tower and enjoy the stunning views over the Skagerrak and Vendsyssel.
The light can be seen 25 nautical miles from land
At the top the lamp is 1500 watt and the first lens amplifies the light to 100.000 light. The outer rotating lenses the light is amplified to 1 1/4 lights. In cloudless weather the light can be seeb 25 nauticak miles from land.
Six hours to clean the lenses
The lenses are hand-cut, and it takes around six hours to polish them. If the bulb burst an extra bulb switches on automatically.
The malicious spirit
The first keeper had a short career. Just 19 days after the opening he hung himself from the top. The locals blamed "Peter the Horrible", and believed he wanted the lighthouse turned off. According to the local "Peter the Horrible" was a sort of human bird of prey living on the cliff and living on strandings - to the great great irritation of the area's fishermen.
photo: by me :) @msaric10
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I did take a look... :)