How can one not be continuously dazzled by the beauties of nature?
I took a picture of this little buddy with my old Pentax K200D and a Sigma telezoom while walking around a park in The Netherlands.
Look at all the nuances in the painting it offers to the world: a myriad of blues surrounded by white dots turning to red on the lower wings.
Butterflies have been filling up my SD card on that day, and I will share the best pictures with you soon. I loooooove these little guys, they are so beautiful!
My life revolves around music production, teaching sciences, and discovery through travel.
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I’m @muphy,
Beautiful tiny things of Nature most times reminds one of how beautiful life can be.
How the have all systems to function inside these tiny bodies is amazing!!!
haha, yes, that is definitely something that amazes me too...
Life is so mysterious and so hi-tech at the same time :-)
Wow beautiful picture.
Thank you. The fact that the butterfly was beautiful does help :-)!
Beautiful hearts always see the beautiful side of nature... :))
Very nice. Especially when you know how hard is to get close enough to get a macro on something as fleeting as a butterfly
Actually, I have something with butterflies. They often hang out around me. If some are around, and I am reading, sitting in grass for example, you can be sure that there will be one that lands on the page I am reading and sets camp... So it is quite easy for me to approach them (and don't ask me why that is...)
This picture defines nature.... I am a Music producer too....i have followed you and I would appreciate a follow back.
Thank you Sean. Was my intention, just slipped my mind. Situation corrected.
Thanks boss I really appreciate
beautiful post
Thank you.
Bonjour à vous, j'adore votre contenu sur votre blog, cet article est très passionnant comme d'habitude je n'imagine pas le temps que ta du prendre pour le faire. Je suis très triste que ton travail n'est pas apprécié à sa juste valeur car tu mérites 100 fois plus de popularité et je ressens que tu fais ça par bonheur et moi j'ai énormément d'administration, je te souhaite une très bonne journée et je suis impatient pour ton prochain article. Salut l'ami et porte toi bien ;)
Parles pour toi @Katouna...
Ton texte est arrivé quelques secondes apres que j'ai lancé mon post: Tu as copie/paste, ce que je peux aisement verifier dans ta liste de comments... Attention, Steemit n'est pas facebook et tu as des anciens tres puissants (Les Whales) qui surveillent a ce que l'ethique Steemit sois respectée...
Sois moins aggressif dans ton marketing, ou tu pourrais t'attirer leurs foudres et voir ton compte downvoté dans un abime dont tu ne pourrais plus t'echapper...
Fais ton homework: étudie la philosophie et le principe éthique de cette plateforme, et tu trouveras ta voie et ton audience.
excellent friend publication
They sure are beautiful.