menimate unimal who do social service in mature village ben subdistrict wide area of ​​north aceh / menwa unimal yg melakukan bakti sosial di desa matang ben kecamatan tanah luas aceh utara.

in #photography7 years ago


good morning ,,, this time I will post about menimate unimal who do social service in mature village ben subdistrict wide area of ​​north aceh. they are not alone lho ,, they are working with ipsm team of north aceh.

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here they are very compact and do the job degan good. not how long the house surgery was done.

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although tired but menimal unimal with ipsm team keep the spirit and rely on good cooperation. so people in the village mature also feel very proud to menimate unimal and also ipsm team citizens are very grateful for social work. and hopes there will be another social service.

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after they have finished taking pictures with the ipsm team. quite so many interesting post ya good night. greeting steemit


selamat pagi,,,kali ini saya akan memposting tentang menwa unimal yg melakukan bakti sosial di desa matang ben kecamatan tanah luas aceh utara. mereka tidak sendiri lho,,mereka bekerja sama dengan tim ipsm aceh utara.



disini mereka sangat kompak dan melakukan pekerjaaannya degan baik. tidak berapa lama bedah rumah pun selesai dilakukan.



walaupun lelah akan tetapi menwa unimal bersama tim ipsm tetap semangat dan mengandalkan kerja sama yg baik. jadi masyarakat didesa matang pun merasa sangat bangga kepada menwa unimal dan juga tim ipsm warga sangat berterima kasih atas bakti sosialnya. dan berharap akan ada lagi bakti sosial berikutnya.


setelah selesai merekapun berfoto foto dengan tim ipsm tersebut. cukup sekian postingan menariknya ya selamat malam. salam steemit


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