Yes, really. @herbaliblog issued a challenge as she was skeptical about the cuteness of spiders, while there are plenty of scary looking spiders, even some legitimately dangerous ones; jumping spiders are quite inquisitive, and harmless to humans! Their large front facing eyes seem very expressive, they can't turn the eye to look at something but can move the retina to track things, more often the move their entire body, resulting in endearing postures and head tilts as they examine their surroundings.

Ant Mimic spider (Myrmarachne inermichelis): runs around with its two front most legs held up looking like and antenna, this mimicry helps it prey on and hide from ants.
This little one (Evarcha fasciata) has some red highlights on its "eyebrows" and the white tips of the palps are used in courtship/dominance displays.
The same species as above, I think it's guarding its mate in the small nest behind it as she lays eggs.
A slightly different angle and boosting of shadows, we can see another spider inside the tunnel made by the leaves:
It is difficult to tell in the photo but the upsidedown spider's eyes can be just made out:
It was moving about and neither spider seemed very agitated, though after checking on the interior of the nest the male resumed is position at the entrance:
It was a very good weekend for photographing spiders!
I was fortunate enough to find a third species:
Longer and with much stronger forelimbs, Mendoza canestrinii, not quite as cute, but this spider lifts!
Females usually have a more camouflaged coloration:
Males often have bold patterns, though this species seems to prefer the bold classic black.
It appears I've taken an accidental selfie again!
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Species identification: Source
photography macros are cool friends, you shot him very well
Thanks @bungaterakhir!
It looks very amazing portrait of jumping spiders. I often see them change the color of their eyes. Sometimes the left and right look different eye colors. You have perfectly photographed this small spider session. I really enjoy it because I really admire their life. Good luck always for you @mweich.
Keep Steeming on!Thanks @rizasukma, I think the different eye color might be the light hitting a different part of the retina inside the eye. Most of my pictures have them with the reflection off the surface of the eyes.
Thank you for your explanation. I also just posted about those who are fighting for life. 😊👍
hereIt's really good and if you are reading this comment you should check out @rizasukma's post
I am honestly surprised, especially on the first picture the spider actually looks (a bit) cute.
It also still looks disgusting and I think that is because IT IS STILL A SPIDER!!!
Ok, but I get the point, maybe I misjudge an entire species because of some nasty dangerous tarantulas :-)
I would say, you won the challenge, congratulations! :-)
Thank you! Haha, spiders are very good, they do eat heaps of mosquitoes after all! :)
They are really cute!
Much nicer than a Long Jawed Spider 8))))
Haha, yeah that one's a monster!
wow nice post... & nice photo... thanks for share....
Thank you for your support.
Great work of Macro photography.. i am thinking how did you manage to get that shot you would be standing still for a while to get these perfect shots..