

The Cherry Alamanda is sooo very beautiful...😊..
Thank You... !!!!!!
I hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving too my dear friend ❤💕...!!!
I am spending Thanksgiving at my cabin with my kitty cat Bruce..!!
I'm hoping if the weather cooperates and I can accomplish a few more things before the real deal Winter sets in..😊.
:-) @myjob

@annephilbrick my lovely husband was wanting us to go to the beach tomorrow and get sandfleas, then come home and blanch and package them then I could cook a turkey, it ain't happening. We will get fleas on Friday. I think I am wonder woman cause I sure as hell wonder about him.hahaaha

I hope you had a great Thanksgiving and I hope you got a lot of sandfleas today.....!!!!!!!!!!!!@myjob / Wonder Woman


@annephilbrick thank you, we had a nice quiet Thanksgiving but no luck with the sandfleas. I hope you and Bruce had a good meal and lots of snuggle time.