Hello again for a new issue of Mobile Views!
This time we will look at a really "lost place". Degeneration and decay usually is associated with ugliness and we don´t like to look at broken houses, dirty insides, rotting wood etc.
But there is some beauty in these places which only get extracted if you really accept the place in its dignity. Death and decay has dignity!
We can reflect our personal relation to death when visiting these places that nobody wants to see nor touch anymore. I was lucky to be shown this hidden beauty. With few friends we ventured through that abandoned railway station in the nowhere of Sicily.
100 years ago it was full of life and rural products like olives and wine were sent to the big cities. Now silence and nature claim back what humans have taken. You feel the time being elongated when staying at that place. Witnessing how nature takes and transforms everything connects with ones own recreation, that is the opposite of work and performance. Recreation needs nothing than giving time to the autonomous self-regulating life-force.
At the end you will find a little clip with music - my subjective version of a special experience.
Enter with me this special place of hidden beauty and calmness.
• Iron and rust can be so interesting
• No need for doors and windows
"Time drops in decay,
Like a candle burnt out.
And the mountains and woods
have their day, have their day ..."
William Butler Yeats (Irish Poet 1865-1939)
• How much welcomed are those openings - new life needs fresh air.
• Color is life!
• Every place has its own timeline.
• Value lost - dignity preserved.
Clip: transitorieta siciliano (transient scaly) - Music is from Armonia (Constanta/Romania)
ece89261c9All images and films made by myself with mobile phone HUAWEI G750 -U10