I was checking your blog and there are some really cool photo's. Can i use some for my cartoonizing artwork?
You can check my blog to see some examples.
I was checking your blog and there are some really cool photo's. Can i use some for my cartoonizing artwork?
You can check my blog to see some examples.
Cartoonise away (except portraits). If you make huge amounts of money with them, we need to talk some more, though 8-).
I posted a cartoonizing of his Saabness.
Hope you like it.
Thank you. In the true Dutch entrepeneurial spirit i say: share and share alike.
We'll have a sitdown if it comes rolling in :-)
I'll let you know when i made something worth posting.
On another subject, i just posted a short story i made today and i'm very curious what you think about it.
If it's not too much trouble, could you take a look at it and tell me if it's any good?