Hello everyone, on this occasion I would like to share some photographs that I took yesterday on my daily outing in search of something interesting to photograph, on this occasion they were some spider webs that I observed woven between the protective bars of a bridge through which I was passing by at that time.

Often in the world of photography we try to look for beauty and creativity, many times it is difficult to find something interesting to photograph, and not fall into the monotony of always photographing the same things.

I love photographing spider webs and observing them carefully, we could say that they are like sculptures and architectural works at the same time, it is geometric perfection in the animal world, I never cease to be surprised every time I look at them.
These photographs show us that beauty is in the smallest and simplest things, which at the same time become something complex and wonderful, it is fragility, durability and resistance at the same time, the beauty that the natural world offers us.
Wonderful photos!
Thank you Melinda. Apreciate much you sopport on my content.