Photo: Rudolph Koppitz, 1926 Bewegungsstudie (Movement Study)
Lithe bodied we dance tall
swaying arcs of verdure leaning
into curved mists of space and aeons
as heaving earth-body
pulsing in tune, exultant
sun, sultry moon
we sink our roots, feeling
deep around you, and swirl
with wind, and stars reaching, we rise
upon the long song, of creation...

We spring and bow and snap and kneel and kiss the ground
as one our breath contracts, expands, over ages, and you
of late are given, to fell us and you, in swaths expletive yet
our spirit will, not falter and we, will love you always and, just the same
your small history, we embrace, holding
the interstices of living, deep mother, silent, patient, waiting
for you to join us, in the forest
we dance.

nsfw tag please
Seriously? for an artistic nude from 1926? NSFW for who? I am genuinely confused and see nothing offensive nor riske in an artistic representations of the human form that is neither erotic much less pornographic. Besides - surely, as the thumbnail most likely shows up in the preview and it is imagined as somehow vulgar - don't open it if you're at work! But this is ART!
Perhaps, but if nudes pop up on screens and more importantly firewalls at work they get people in trouble, no matter how artistic or tasteful they may be deemed to be...
That is why nsfw stands for Not Safe For Work and we have automatic filters for them.
the nipples are black :D it's ok an she's not nude shes covered by a layer of air, although i was going to say the same thing, Wouldn't call it NSFW since there isnt any nudity past the thumbnail , although it draws you in :)
AAAND case and point why isn't this nsfw? are we robots :D new music videos and all case and point , should we go in the way of the mainstream and just get the endless Trap and w/e so much electro I can't even count , or is this a platform for thinking people :D
Thanks for your explanation, though I must confess, I find it hard to subscribe to such a police state of mind - most particularly in a peer to peer paradigm where hierarchical judgement of what is considered "naughty" and to be "censored" has questionable authority - at the very least for this user - this one prefers to abide by his own sense of decorum. There is nothing genuinely offensive here.
Magnificent post, poetry and pictures. This is art in some of its full expression. BEAUTY in all its forms! Thanks for sharing. I hear you! Namaste :)
thank you for seeing with the eyes of the heart monsieur @eric-boucher ;)
This is beautiful. Resteemed.
tanx beaner! ur da beanz - deeply appreciated
thanks for shearing