What's that purple colored flower you took photo? (2nd from the beginning)
They are all very awesome, by the way. Thanks. :)
What's that purple colored flower you took photo? (2nd from the beginning)
They are all very awesome, by the way. Thanks. :)
I wish I knew! I just came across it..but I'll try to look it up and see if I can find out.
Haha okay.
They maybe spiraea japonica (not sure)
That definitely looks like it...thank you! :D
We actually had just talked about your post on the @steemittalk podcast a little bit ago...that's how I came across it. :)
Wow. I didn't know that. Can you please point me exactly where can I find it?
(it feels nice, you know 😍)
This is the podcast account here on steemit where you'll see the recording get posted in a few days: https://steemit.com/@steemittalk
And this is the link to our discord where we do our live recordings with other steemians joining us: https://discord.gg/vATBJVb
Thank You very much. Will check out :)