I also found steemit through YouTube. I'm rather excited about this community, and the fact that you can earn money for just doing what you do. I might not be making a lot, but in five days I've made around $10. Which is far more than I would earn otherwise. (I'm disabled and can't work.)
Aside from having more non-desert greenery, your sunrise photos remind me a great deal of the winter sunrises I often saw while living in El Paso, Texas.
One of the things I really love about sunrise and senset photos is that, unless you specifically say where they're taken (unless there's something very unique and recognizable in the photo) most people don't know where it is. While some areas can tend to have more unique features to their sunrises and sunsets, odds are that someone has probably witnessed an almost identical one half the world away.
I personally find it oddly unifying. A reminder that we're all here, on the same planet, and as different as we may be, how different our cultures are, we still see many of the same things.
Nature is a language all of its own. The language of Nature knows no spoken words and it doesn't recognize country borders. We are all the same to Nature. I just wish we were all the same to each other.
Yes, I agree with you... I hope you enjoy to stay in steemit community, that is the purpose this community for giving chance to people express and can maintain their life from steem and SBD. Keep steem on :)
I definitely plan on sticking around. I just hope I can grow my blog enough to start taking some of the financial burden from my husband's shoulders.
This was a beautiful comment. It truly is unifying! Knowing that we all see the same sun rise and set all across the world truly is a nice thought.
South-Africa is a vast country and I have witnessed many different sunrises. From the cold sunrises over the Drakensberg mountain range, to the humid, hazy rise over Durban. Sometimes just the location can contribute to the experience.
I hope that you enjoy the Steemit platform, so far I am!
Back when I lived in El Paso, every great once and a while, I would see a sunrise that looked like the sunrises in my hometown a thousand miles away.
Those places are extremely different. Landscapes extremely different. Climates completely different. They are so different, it's like they're two different planets -- except for the times when the sky looked to same.
Those rare mornings when the sunrise in El Paso looked like the sunrise in my hometown, my heart would ache desperately for where I'm from.
Now that I'm back in my hometown (the mive and events immediately following the move were very traumatic), on the rare occasion that the sunrise looks like the sunrise in El Paso, I find myself wanting to run away and go back.
I posted up a picture of a sunset as an entry for the current steemitphotochallenge. I know I won't win, but I'm really excited about it.
I have always lived in the same town, but I understand the longing... While travelling, sometimes my sunsets feel strange without the pollution.
I will have a look at your photo and good luck with your entry...
I've lived a couple places, and have travelled to different parts of the country. The US has pretty much every kind of climate and terrain the rest of the world has, spread across its fifty states.
Which means you can see pretty much anything if you're in the right place. (Fun fact: The US had the brilliant idea of introducing gemsbok into New Mexico because they were endangered. I was in an SUV that almost collided with one in the dead of night. Just imagine seeing THAT come out of nowhere, illuminated by foggy headlights. Terrifying when you don't have animals like that native to the region and aren't expecting a huge African antelope to be standing in the middle of a two-lane highway at midnight.)
Anyways, I'll stop rambling on. You've got other people to chat with. :)
That is actually hilarious! It happens here more often than you can imagine...
As I said in my post, this is why I love online interaction! Thank you for the conversation.
I know they're native to South Africa. Look up white tail deer, because that's the main animal like it we have through most of the country. And elk, moose, and reindeer.
And then throw a Missouri boy used to white tail deer on a highway in New Mexico, unawares that gemsbok are even in the country outside of zoos. (They have no natural predators here. They kill our cougars.)
Thank you for the conversation as well! It's been a pleasure!
$10 in 5 days is great! Good work.
Thanks! Here's hoping I keep consistent growth. If I can be halfway successful on steemit, it will completely change our lives.
Yes it will. It has certainly changed mine!
I'm glad it has! Please wish me luck!
I do! I do! LOL.
Any tips?
Too many to put here. Just observe and implement, and produce consistent, quality posts while commenting frequently.