I use an open source program called magic lantern that you load from the sd card into the camera http://www.magiclantern.fm/ and its great for time -lapse, long exposure and bracketed shots. For the animated gif file I used gimp and exported the series of photos as an animation. For video you pretty much just pull in all the photos from the series and export in whatever video format you prefer. They do make a camera that does this in the camera, but I prefer this method.
I use an open source program called magic lantern that you load from the sd card into the camera http://www.magiclantern.fm/ and its great for time -lapse, long exposure and bracketed shots. For the animated gif file I used gimp and exported the series of photos as an animation. For video you pretty much just pull in all the photos from the series and export in whatever video format you prefer. They do make a camera that does this in the camera, but I prefer this method.