
in #photography7 years ago

I don't want you to get bored following my blog. I always try to be creative and present you new and interesting stuff. It was a tough job during the winter but on my spring vacation I took thousands of photos and it's much easier now, especially with a fast internet connection.

Today I'll show you a different kind of art. I think all of it is handmade. Sometimes looks simple but I'm sure many hours were invested in this work. The merchants at the Global Village stands are probably just intermediaries but they doing a good job promoting Africa and providing work to many skillful hands.

Inside the pavilion, was a nice and warm atmosphere, people were smiling and they look happy. The wood and bright colors were everywhere and helped to bring and keep the good mood.

















I hope you liked my post about Africa pavillion.

It's not that I'm lazy, but what could I write under these photos? They speak for themselves, aren't they?

I can only wish that someday we'll be allowed to have at least two pieces of free luggage on our way back home.

Have a great day, my friends.


I want to visit this place. Im interested in others culture. They have so much story and history behind every thing.

This is good stuff @oldtimer.

There is a lot of creativity in Africa, all these are greatly inspired by the existence of rich cultures and traditions, beliefs and a lot more.

To crown it all, Africa is richly blessed with art sense and you can always see these in display show rooms and local art museums.

The creativity behind the pictures are wonderful!My continent Africa is indeed blessed with great cultural heritage and traditions. The aesthetic is beautiful to behold you did a nice job by sharing this post @oldtimer that speak more about the African people.

Keeen keren ,,nic posting yu,,upvote back y bang

really beautiful art, true what you say,

Saya hanya bisa berharap bahwa suatu hari kita akan diizinkan untuk memiliki setidaknya dua potong koper gratis dalam perjalanan pulang..
and I agree to it...hahhaah

Everything looks colorful and i like that they don't care about tideness, it looks a little bit confusing. :D

Pictures can speak louder than words. Wonderful pictures of the African culture. I don't know If I missed it, but what country is the cultural art from? @oldtimer

I think that it's just an African pavilion, not the separate countries. Or I miss the marks. Not sure.

Art is so wonderful indeed my friend
You are a very special person
I wish you all the best
Really wonderful picture my friend

very interesting photo. clearly visible in the picture that the people there are very creative.

Definitely not bored with your blog. Your posts are funny, full of information and impressions, with high quality photos ofcourse. So keep posting and we will keep following and enjoying :)

That you have accomplished in delivering great content and as amtter of fact i have not seen some place through your posts ,probably would not have been possible of not seen in your posts.
WHile as for the today's post , the artwork looks really beautiful and they sure have worked hard for the work.They came out perfect.Liked the hat and the little souveniers looks pretty amazing .

Enjoyed the tour buddy.

i do not get bored following your blog @oldtimer all i see handwork is very nice many people likes including me.

definitely not bored with your blog!! its a pleasure to read and I agree with you, it always seems that in summer and spring time there is more stuff happening and therefore a lot more exiting material to post :)) The colours are really bright for sure :)

Always interesting and refreshing to read your blogs @oldtimer (especially during lunch on hump day). The craftsmanship of their work is impressive to say the least. My bucket list is getting longer.

Oh, it's speaking all art, culture, traditions and the pure hard work because Hand Work Art is difficult one and it need real precision and all these are just perfect and really eye-catching to watch and in my opinion one day you will definitely going to take these stuff home. And these are art pieces but still it's also reflecting the lively essence. Thanks for sharing and wishing you an great day. Stay blessed. 🙂

Koloritno, veselo, šareno, stvarno pozitivno deluje. Sveobuhvatne i lepe slike. Drvo oplemenjuje istinski, i u svim ručno izrađenim predmetima utkana je posebna energije, kao i kod svih unikatnih radova. Šta je sa indijskim paviljonom na šestoj slici?
Toliko eksponata, kad bi neko to morao da broji! :) Koliko je bogat svet u svojoj raznolikostii, nezamislivo. Vrlo malo znam o Africi, gledaću je drugačijim očima. Hvala vam @oldtimer na ovom malo drugačijem postu.

India pavilion was the next one, but unfortunately, we didn't have enough time to visit it. Maybe next time. Thanks for all of your kind comments.

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A person can express his personality through then.
Just like seeing your collections, I can understand your personality.
Actually, I have not seen such a beautiful collection yet.
I always look forward to seeing all the organizations that are waiting.

The lion painting and the lions carved out of wood look great. You created a beautiful photo expose! African art has a very Modern feel and it influenced Picasso and many other great Modernists!

I can't see myself getting bored with your pictures. I do like the mix in of the African artifacts though. The colours are so vibrant and bright. I have never had the opportunity to purchase art like this. Did you buy anything while you were there? The pieces would look really nice in our sitting room.

Our luggage was unfortunately over the limit even without souvenirs.

Yeah, not like the airline makes it easy. They would charge you twice what anything would be worth. Cheaper to ship it. Lol

thank you for letting me know more about Africa culture . great job !

Looks like a fun spot. I'm pretty sure I'd get stuck just playing those bongos annoying everyone else :)

Incredible works of art! I hope it was all Fair Trade goods!

Sometimes pictures itself tells the story. This place has beautiful designs and good artwork. You care for your followers that's a great thing.
Have a great day.

a beautiful painting!

how could this be boring lol! World traveler and into crypto. Seems you are wise to follow in life.

I am new to your blog, but it not at all boring! I really like the wood carved items. Those bowls were amazing.