I must admit I didn't travel much in my life. At least until now. I was simply too busy pushing pedals on that stupid hamster wheel. But I'm not complaining tho. It's just the way it was.
It wasn't soo bad after all. I worked hard and raise a great family. They don't depend on me anymore and now I think it's time to take some deserved break.
My decision to invest in steem help me to achieve some of the new goals and challenges as well.
While visiting new countries and cities everything is new to me. Well, not new in a sense like I didn't know anything about the subject.
Because I'm kind of oldfashioned guy I like to see and touch things. It's much more valuable than just see on TV or Youtube. Because of that sometimes I get overexcited even over some usual everyday stuff. Like a small kid.
We meet a very special kind of artists on our stay in Barcelona. You can find them on Youtube in pranks but on the street, it's a unique experience.
Cristopher Columbus.
The golden lady was very popular and I couldn't get the photo without a random tourist on it.
It looks like some kind of mythological creature to me.
Science fiction is the most popular among kids.
The headless guy in Guell park.
Gold and ladies kind of fit together.
He drew a lot of attention holding the pole and hover in the air.
I meet this Cowboy on our first day. Maybe he'll attend The Calgary rodeo this summer. Who knows?
All these guys must have a lot of skills and imagination to dress like this and put on the makeup. Some patience helps too.
They differ one from another a lot. But if you look carefully you'll see a small but very important detail on every photo.
A small jar where you can throw some change.
Like tiny upward pointing arrow under our posts.
Are we live statues too?
Be active. In life and on steemit.
This is elegant
I've always been fascinated by these people dressing up and looking like statues. They have some special talents in staying put for hours at a time sometimes... Working on their moves, when they do, really accentuates their act and some of them are just phenomenal.
The ones you presented us with seem pretty amazing, thank you for sharing these cool shots with us.
Namaste :)
I was impressed too.
Thank you for stopping by and for the kind comment.
amazing photography, I want to be like you here and there, hopefully your day please my friends, I am amazed with your journey, may you always succeed yes.
I will upvote and restem
Wow!!! Every photo just awesome......The statues that you have taken in the film are very attractive and beautiful........ @oldtimer
What cut my fancy is Be active. In life and on steemit great job boss @oldtimer
Amazing captures !
the statue is very beautiful and I have read ya post and very good story my friend.
I have also seen one like them while traveling London. Awesome performing artists.
are you now retired @oldtimer ? Enjoy the travels.. best time to do it!
I took some break to travel. Maybe a year or so. Will see how will go.
What a pleasent surprise. We encountered similar street arisits/performers in Havana, however this is a whole different level! The creativity. I must visit Barcelona soon. Thank you.
You'll find them easily.
you @oldtimer a great man if in my opinion, can make a good family happy.
Same here I have not traveled that much but would sure be on that position of my life pretty soon in near future ;)
While I always wanted to have a look at them f2f , they do look great by the way and unique in their own ways .
Liked them pretty much.
Thanks for bringing them up to us ;)
thanks for the comment.
In my opinion statues always showcase the essence of liveliness who are not alive, means for example, most of the places consists of statues on the basis of memories of someone or some thought, which always remind us the works of particular person or particular thoughts, in this sense we can say that the statues always live. Every statue in this post reflecting as an great art pieces but i personally liked the headless dancer like statue because it's really unique and it's reflecting as mismatch beauty means the combination and idea of this statue and the greenery background is beautifully mismatched. Thanks for sharing this post with us and wishing you an great day. Stay blessed. 🙂
photos of a very nice statue
I am always amazed by the statues and I think there should be more statues on the streets because they are so beautiful and I believe most people love looking at the art and read the history of it.
Thanks for sharing these amazingly beautiful statues. I really enjoyed it.
I love the Cristopher Columbus statue.
I hope you've noticed that these are actors - live people.
Omg. I didn't realize that. That is so cool and even your title says it all. lol.
Thanks for letting me know. That is even more impressive.
I love the centaur - it's one of my favorite mythical animals. The headless guy sitting on nothing is fun too - and acrobatic.
Great photographs @oldtimer.
I find these live statues incredible. How they can stand so still for even a few seconds is amazing to me let along for the long stints of time they actually do it.
And those levitating ones are always fun to see in real life. 😊
Very nice photography dear friend
Nestvarno i vredno divljenja i pažnje. Fantastični su, izgledaju kao prave statue. Nešto sasvim novo za mene. Sve statue su originalne i lepe na svoj način. Nije mi jasno ko vrši odabir za postavku na ulicama.
Želim svu sreću vašoj porodici i vama! Veliki pozdrav. :) Hvala vam @oldtimer što ste podelili ovu priču sa nama.
I've traveled in the last year more than i did in the last 10 years (not including last year obviously).
I made a promise to my wife and me, that we'll travel at least to one city/country every year. Looking at your Barcelona posts and fact that she knows Spanish, could decide our next years destination =) But I'm more pro Madrid than Barcelona :P
Its been years since I was in Barcelona but I see that the living statues have definitely upped their game. The metallic costumes and levitating armatures are a great illusion in your photographs. I can imagine it must be even better in person. So you're giving us great advice... don't be a statue in life or on Steemit! Thanks!
Well I do believe we each play an important role in this play called Steemit.
Those are really impressive artists. Many thanks for sharing them.
What made you choose to invest in steem? I still find this whole thing so crazy.
It is hard to do what these artists does and staying all day in a limited position really would just be unimaginable for me @oldtimer since time for me is very valuable and spending it to make a small income is just too much to think about in my opinion.
Beautiful fotography sir The statue looks like real and original I wish you a success. thanks
I remember the first time I saw one. It was in Paris, at Notre Dame, and was not nearly as elaborate as these, but I was fascinated! These are quite fabulous!
All photos are mind blowing
very beautiful photo! thanks for sharing
Wow, you captured a lot of them. Nice Post!
Here is a link to one we found in Antwerp. (scroll to the bottom of the post)
Nice photography and some absolutely amazing talent on display. How the hell do they get cleaned up afterwards?
I too have not travelled much (hamster wheel and family responsibilties) .... But that is going to change soon. I retire in 10 months time and then "Have camera...will travel" stage of my life starts. Of course the time invested in Steemit will hopefully not go unrewarded.... {meanders off to read some more @oldtimers posts}
“I was simply too busy pushing pedals on that stupid hamster wheel“ ... zelo dober opis hektične rutine, ki nas lahko čisto posrka vase. Če nismo pozorni, pa nas lahko oropa čudovitih trenutkov, ki lahko krojijo naše življenje. Lepo pa je med vrsticami slišati tvoje cenjenje do tvoje družine in hvaležnost, da jih imaš. Sama v otroštvu ravno nisem imela takega dragocenega “paketa”, zato pa današnje življenje, ki sva ga oblikovala skupaj z možem, še bolj cenim. Si prava inspiracija, še naprej imej tako rad svojo družino in deli z nami lepe trenutke, ki jih preživljate skupaj. Hvala in lep pozdravček tebi in delčku tvoje družine čez lužo 👋🏻
Hvala za prijazne besede. Ostali delcek emmamia in penticton.
Za penticton sem vedela, za emmamio pa ne, da pašete skupaj. Lepo, njima bom pozdravčke poslala kar sama 😉. Uspešno pri novih ciljih in izzivih na steemitu ti želim 👋🏻
Great photography....I Like it....
Great photos! Those live statues are all amazing! It's great that you are traveling more and it's inspiring to learn that the steem blackchain has been instrumental in that success! :) Great for you!
This "mythological creature" is a centaur, maybe Chiron.