We moved to Canada six years ago, but my friends still find the way to make fun of me from time to time. And I like it.
I suppose this photo is for public use and I don't know who the author is. Hope he or she don't mind if I use it in my post.
You can't imagine how important is here to keep your car in the good shape here in the winter. Especially the battery. My first winter was tough. I didn't know anything about block heaters and remote starters and cranking amps. The learning lesson was expensive but fast.
I took my mule for a ride just to warm it up a bit and pump some hot oil and antifreeze through its guts and fresh warm air through vents. And alternator to pour some fresh juice into the battery.
I parked my car, pay $4 for an hour and let the engine running. Meanwhile, I also took a few clicks for my new post.
It was minus 12 degrees on the thermometer. Not too bad. But wind chill -21. That's bad.
This is Edmonton legislature building. Quite impressive. A young couple asks me to take the photo of them with the building in the background. I assumed they just came to Canada. Their eyes we happy and they didn't feel the cold. They'll learn about our winter the hard way. But not today; they'll have enough time later on.
The detail from the street.
And the nearby shot of the building from the third photo.
My ass was freezing and I couldn't feel my fingers anymore. I run to the car, jumped in and left. The car was warm and happy and the city of Edmonton budget too. They got $2 tip because my stay was only a half of an hour long.
Stay warm my Canadian followers.
Somebody once told me and I listened.. :D

I love Canada, but please accept my condolences if you live in "Deadmonton".
i think its too cold . you have very nice skills of photography @oldtimer
I couldn't figure it out before, the winter is so harsh for the Canadians, you have to pay more attention to your daily riding, using a car is a common practice, but now people are well cognizant to handle it out.
There are many other problems which winter's season brings with him, people are well aware of Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD), In this disorder, people's brain is so sensitive to winter, that makes him more depressed, If the winter gets too cold, the brain reacts by discharge chemicals that make you miserable.
Hope you all positive in the winter, thanks for your narrative on winter, the clicks of Edmonton legislature building are amazing.
Blessed you...
Steem On...
Hi @oldtimer . the residence is really nice, and the photos of his residence are also beautiful plasticity .. want to feel where you feel the cold air .. keep the spirit wherever we are
I feel your pain...living in Southern Ontario!!
wonderful country this canada
and your photography is supper dear @oldtimer
Excellent photography ...
nice photography...great writing sir
"WOW" Beautiful.I am so amazed to see the pics from my dream country!!!!! Thank you so much for the nice clicks
hahaha nice story. aaand very good pictures.
Post is about Canadian winter and experience......So really nice post....
im so surprised that how do you guys bear up that cold when i cant even bear up 20 degree Celsius..i starts shivering even at that temperature. :)
very good post my friend I like the same post you friend .. I am very happy when you visit my blog once a friend yes
You're a master of photography, really beautiful
Hey @oldtimer, I hope you are staying warm all winter. Check out my latest blog for some winter car fun!
The snow is definitely a pain in the **S but it does looks nice in a pic frame ;)
Nice pics @oldtimer, I live in the UK and it's always nice to see someone having to put up with worse weather than me hehe :)
Where did you move to Canada from?
And I thought New York City was cold but my cousins in Canada tell me you don’t know what it’s like to live here .
excellent work. upvoted and following..you might like some of my posts!
Friend, thank you for sharing those beautiful photos. Someday I want to go to Canada @oldtimer
good post
Canada is one of beautiful city in the night
And This city have In the list of countries that should I visit, Someday when I visit to canada, maybe we can meet my friend @oldtimer
Ha ha... that's a funny meme. Nice city even in the deep freeze! The Legislature building is a beauty.
I think Dutch winters are already too cold.
I'd freeze there.
Also I don't think the author minds you use that picture in this post.
His or hers twitter account is mentioned in the picture.
LOL, that meme is perfect!
Great photos too! I really like that last photo :)
Nice post
It is cold but a great country!! Have a great day @oldtimer!
What an experience. So this is a place in this world where people are running away from cold and chilled winter weather while hot weather and excessive heat has sworn to roast us here in Nigeria. Can't wait to get a Canada travel Visa so i can come experience all these myself. @ehiboss, so you finally spent $2 just to park a car? That's not possible here ooo, park anywhere any how nobody will talk to you, talk more of to pay money. Freedom is just what i like here shaa
Do you have a car?
I'm a Canadian currently living in Greece nd new to steemit. Take good care, stay warm & keep posting - I will be following ...
At least your photos for post are amazing, so there is always something good in frozen ass :)
They said that in Canada they find new way to f*ck people this way called Taxes 😂 lol
Go to Europe. They'll teach you about taxes.
Lol no mate im happy in Morocco btw they said too Canada 🍁 have high Individual income that's why the taxes are high so this achieves the law of balance
Hilarious gif. Great post overall eh lol 🍁
Hahahahahha I bet now you know more about the battery, amps, heaters, etc than your mechanic.
The one from Slovenia for sure.
Living in Alaska I can relate to a lot of this lol!
great photography dear friend
The architectural work of art is amazing and very charming. Thanks for sharing @oldtimer. Good job.
Awesome shots I especially like the last three but
-21 not bad I guess it’s all a matter of what one is used to 😂
-21 is a serious challenge for the fingers. I always wonder when I watch feature films about winter. Where the main characters walk in a sweater, and do not experience discomfort. They seem to have no idea what the minus(-) is on the thermometer.
photography is very good
Amazing post! Thanks for sharing your story :)
Well this year is also in Slovenia a lot of snow, so...