Spring Is Here - NOT

in #photography7 years ago

We had a nice weather over this weekend. At least in our opinion. Sunny skies and temperatures above zero. Plus 7 degree Celsius.

We took a long walk and I got some new material with my smartphone.


I know he is an optimistic guy, but it looks like he'll need to wait for another month before he can start his lawnmower.

The first part of hike leads us through the city streets. Here are results.


We passed The Commonwealth Stadium.


In a small back alley beside this graffiti, we saw a couple volunteers delivering a hot meal to homeless people. It's kind of irony to put the stadium with that name by the homeless center.


We reached the river bank and focus on nature again. After a while, we stumbled upon this warning sign. Luckily we don't have a dog.
The river is still frozen.


The park rangers were right. Look at them. They took a Sunday walk in the park too.


But don't worry too much. They're very shy. More like cowards I would say.


I present to you the Alberta flag.


A beautiful sunset to conclude our hike.


And a drone flying above the frozen river.
It's not mine. I saw it live for the first time.

Have a successful week. Spring will come even in Alberta; eventually.


you will always see spring if you go to my place of Aceh. even you will never see soft snow for the rest of your life. I really miss the snow. must be very gentle. thanks for sharing sir. i like you.

Still cold!!

We are going to get another big snow storm tomorrow here! Long winter!

its realy heautyfull . very nice click @oldtimer

Hey @oldtimer, great post! I enjoyed your content. Keep up the good work! It's always nice to see good content here on Steemit! Cheers :)

wawww amazing😉

Wow fantastice. Your posting is wonderfull. I so like it

Awesome photography and nice weather......i like always spring sesson.....

molto bella Alberta

this is a very nice picture that you get,
and the picture is perfect.

Hehehe... coyotes are not shy when hungry. They mostly attack pets but nothing can stop them if they go for human flesh. Please be more careful.
Am glad your having good weather. I can see you can now spend some good time outdoors.

Those coyotes are much bigger than would have thought! They are beautiful animals!! Hopefully it warms up soon!

Oh Santa, lol. Hopefully someone brings him cookies and warm milk.

We had a nice weekend weather wise as well, and then we woke up to a blanket of snow. Winter’s last gasp?

Wow, amazing lhotography, all look very beautiful

photography is very good my friend

Spring at last. Nice pictures,is that real santa?

nice pictures .

Spring always seems so far away and then suddenly it's upon us. It's turned quite quickly here in Scotland, hope it does the same for you!

Next month. Maybe.

That looks like the North east USA, but I see it's Canada, I'm here in Los Angeles, we have some coyotes also Yes, please tell Santa to go away, Spring is here all though it doesn't look it where you are.

He need to digg out his mower first.

oh ok,lol

+7 degrees-this is very spring. We are all more or less 0 degrees. Soon I will go in search of a lovely flower is the snowdrop. It blooms in March right in the middle of the snow! In Canada meets this the flower? In my opinion, it is a miracle of nature. It would be interesting to know if it was growing in other countries with a climate similar to Russia.

Still minus 10 in the morning.

amazing photography

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Bitter and sweet mixed is a delight, like coffee served when it is warm or cold. Add sugar if it is too bitter or warm if it is too cold; Such is life, we alone determine the level of pleasure by remaining grateful for the favors

Good jop friends @oldtimer

You seemed to have a nice time all along !

Well they are not the way that we hear of 'the Coyote' ;)

Liked the Sunset Image is indeed stunning !

Spring sure will be there ;)

So cool the coyote sign and then the coyotes!!

Wonderful winterly sceneries, making me again want to visit Canada during winter. :)

Nice :)

Fingers crossed that our spring is here to stay! It has and is still so lovely out over here! That "optimistic Santa" is hilarious! Thanks for the walk 😘

Those coyotes....they'll get ya every time. We've had them stalk us up on nose hill a couple of times.

Your weather is very nice. The heat has started on us here.

very nice photos dear

It's already summer here, come and have a visit to Pakistan :)

It looks cold there and the coyotes are both beautiful and frightful too. I would love to experience such season of winter because i can tolerate the cold but I needed to perspire as it is favorable for my health.

Thanks. I don't use bot any more. It's time consuming to curate manualy, but I like more control. I'm dreaming about beach and summer every night,😁.