Why do cats gnaw foam? To make for you a holiday in every room !!!😁😂😂

in #photography7 years ago


Hi Steemians!

Today I woke up from a terrible sound, like someone scrubbed with nails on the foam. Auhhh 😲😲😲

I walked around the rooms, looked around, but didn't found the reason for this unpleasant noise.

And then I saw on the floor the crumb of foam ... Oh no ... it's everywhere


I remembered that we recently bought a new TV and put the box from it on the balcony. I could only imagine what kind of mess there was when i was running there.

On the balcony I caught a little bastard - my cat Mia. She was lying on the foam and looked as if nothing had happened.


I thought: apparently Mia wanted to make a little holiday for us by putting the entire room in "artificial snow😁😂😂😂.

How can you be mad on such a cute creature?



In any situation you need to look for positive moments and then life will be much better.

All photos i made on my phone MI 5:)

Have a wonderful day dear friends!

Best wishes,



What a beautiful post, they have to know that the cat is the only animal that has been able to domesticate the human being 😂😂😂

Hahaaas that's true 😁😂😂

you got some artistic pictures with your MI 5 and Mia with interesting lighting.
she's a photogenic one.
maybe you should list her up with a modeling agency :)

Hahaaa thanks, she is too hard to catch and too fast for this job 😂😂😂

Cats are love

does a cat spoil something sister? the color of the cat is very beautiful, I like

She was just playing:) In fact, i have 2 gingers 😁😂😂😂

what is the name of that beautiful cat?

Her name is Mia :)

a beautiful name, as beautiful as his cat,
btw me zulfadli best regards sister @olgy-art

Nice to meet you Zulfadli, im Olga btw 😉

Very beautiful cat. A polystyrene tore, this cat sharpened his claws. It's good that not the furniture was scratched.

Ahahaaa that's true!!

so cute cat!

She's a naughty , but Likes amuse.
But Mia is beautiful. Real red charm.
And the tongue is so cute!
Immediately from the photo you can see that she is very happy with her antics ))

Ahahaa very cute video!! 😁😁😁

this is so nice thank you.

I also have many cats. They are so lovely. Now two baby cats are born, one's eye is disable. But I don't know why. He's so pitty.

Ohhhh poor baby. But i'm sure he is still pretty anyway!

Your cat is very beautiful.

the color of the cat is very beautiful, I really like it

The color of the
Cat is very beautiful,
I really like it

                 - fikar21

I'm a bot. I detect haiku.

Our pets are our family practically, for more pranks that they do we always end up forgiving them and filling them with joy. Many of them are very curious! Sometimes I wonder what will go through the minds of our friends.

Ohhh yeah, they are like little kids 😁😂😂.

Миа очень повезло, что у нее такие добрые хозяива и что она такая милая. На такое милое создания совсем невозможно иметь обиду.

Деколи вона дуже вреднюча, але як скорчить таку милу мордашку 😁😂😂😂 і їй вічно все сходить з лап. А ще її просто нереально зловити, коли вона щось вчудить 😆😆😆😆