Spring is here and its summer temperatures here in Norway in daytime. Record temperatures in april. 🌞
Beautiful flowers popping up everywhere. I love flowers. If I had a girlfriend, I would not have resisted the temptation to pick it an give it to her. She will be a lucky girl. ❤
The tulips are coming. Yay! 😀
Vakre blomster. Vår, tralala vår...
No winter lasts forever; no spring skips its turn.
These pics are really awesome flowers popping up.
Tulips that gloom at our tulip garden Kashmir.
That is amazing. So beautiful! Do you grow them and sell them?
Congratulations about your tesla car!
Olsm, I read your article on how to use Bither and bitpie application to claim bitcoin forks. I did all the process and it show me I have no getable coins....Does that mean i am too late to claim/get coins?
I scanned 19 private keys/BIP32 derived addresses already from https://iancoleman.io/bip39/. Is there a minimum of private keys i need to scan or do i need to scan all - meaning 100's or 1000's of lines ? Could you please advise me?
Thank you.
nice photography..
taken by an expert hand @olsm @upvoted & @resteem has done to present you..
what a flower!
really nice..
thanks for sharing with us..
@upvoted & @resteemed
Beautiful !

nice flowers. I have been getting into them now because of Steemit. I can't resist snapping shots of flowers when I see them out in the wild. who knew lol?
after many day's come to your blog, how are you D:) @olsm Really your photography is awesome, thank you for this post.
Mange takk for eit vakkert bilde av krokusen @Olsm
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