Scratch That Off My Bucket List!

in #photography8 years ago (edited)

Have a beer on top off The Great Wall of China......


......that was right up there on the list of things I wanted to do before I die (yeah, I know, I can be pretty shallow at times)


So, since I was in Beijing on other matters anyway, and it being only a couple of hours by taxi to where I could catch a gondola up to the Great Wall (I'm lazy, and it was bitter cold!)........


.....catch a gondola I did. Being the only foreigner crazy enough to tour The Wall in the freezing winter months, enduring gale force winds, all the local girls wanted a picture taken with me :-)


Actually, it's a good thing that I did take the gondola when I had the chance, because there was an awful lot of steep climbing ahead for me!



See what I mean!


But the views, and photo taking opportunities, made it well worth any exertion.




Maybe you're wondering if I got to drink that beer on top of the Wall. Well, yes I did. But I don't have any photographic proof - you will just have to take my word for it! It lives on in my memory!


See the building on the right above? Well, that's part of a food concession, and I scored a beer in there. It was so damn cold on the wall that I can't say it was the most satisfying beer I've ever had in some ways (a hot rum would have felt a lot better), but in other ways it sure was!






I hope you've enjoyed my little expedition to get a beer on The Great Wall. Maybe I'll tell you another time of some other shallow aspirations on my bucket list :-)

See my other new post:
Home Studios Rock!


Now that's a travel post! And that's a wall! Send the link to the Donald!

@kus-knee (The Old Dog)

I don't know. The Donald's wall is "gonna be yuge"


Why don't we just buy that wall and move it to Texas?

You could launch a UIA to fund that, Stan!

Great post! This is so good to see the pictures of the Great wall, even in the bitter cold of winter with anyone drinking beer. It's alright. Thanks for the sharing, I sure do understand the feeling of it as having a lot more steps to walk up. Good thing there actually WAS a gondola to get you up there and allow you to go grab a beer father up the wall.

The extra smiles I now have will bring me easy smiles and many more sweet dreams of China now... Thanks for that too! Namaste :)

I heard that you want to have a bowl of ice cream at the north pole. Is it true?

Only if it is Matcha green tea ice cream of course, to keep with the theme! Namaste :)

Thats not shallow, thats pretty epic :P

Great photos :) Ive never been there myself, but now I know theres a shop up there that i can get some beer from!

It's not shallow to have one of your bucket list goals: to drink a beer? Well then, I'm going to hire you as advisor to my conscience! And to intercede for me at the Pearly Gates when they ask me what I did with my life :-)

Great! Resteemed!

These pictures really capture the majesty of the wall, the hike and the beauty that surrounds it. Im thinking of a full-blown bar up there, where one could really get there drink on... CHEERS!

It was freezing when I was there, but I'll bet it is hot as hell in the summer!

Very Irish on wanting a beer in such a great wall...though a guiness a day they say is helpful on the knees for some! Hopefully your italian blood didn't react so badly with that :) Peace and a Chinese prosperity to you mate!

Ah, it is New Years, isn't it? I'll have to go Rooster hunting for my festive dinner.

It is today yes! Wait for evening, that's the time they decide to go home ;)

You mean I should lay in ambush? Sounds a little unsporting for the poor Roosters (and it is their year).

Let them be merry for a little while lolsss
They'll be poor anyway settling nicely in a kitchenware oh dear

Great pictures, glad you had a chance to cross that off your bucket list! Just from the pictures that wall looks so massive and awe-inspiring, it must have been incredible to see in person. Thanks for sharing.

It must have been! Stretching for thousands of kilometers, generations to build.

Could it be they think you are a celebrity? The white guy in the movie The Great Wall?:-)

Who are you accusing of being white? I'm Italian! (and Irish).

Italian and Irish? Interesting. Wonder if there are many like you.

Have you ever looked at their flags? They are practically the same.

Just did. wow, very close. I see more of the Italy one. Every 4 years. World Cup season.:-)

They were definitely trying to keep someone out!

History has lots of examples of walled cities, but a walled country is fairly unique.

It's yuge, I like it !

You're a size man, are you?

Absolutely, can't have the nomads coming and going all willy nilly..

Yup, it kept Willy and Nilly out on the steppes where they belonged!

Yup Deutschland needs one right about NOW!

The Great Wall wouldn't have worked if the Emperor was inviting the nomads in at the same time as he was building the wall.

Amazing how you thought of that and Merkel didn't.

@onceuponatime for Chancellor !!

I didn't see this coming!

Which way were you looking?

That you were there and had a beer on top on that wall! This is absolutely amazing. Now, this is what I put on my bucket list today!

fina bilder thanks

Thank you. jag uppskattar det

@onceuponatime ah - achievement recorded on the blockchain

all the local girls wanted a picture taken with me :-)

she looks like you pulled her to have a pic with you :P
hahaha peace out man thanks for the lol at that

Who's telling this story, me or you? :-)

hahaha more lols hahaha@onceuponatime but .. but .. the photo ... :P

Haven't you heard of camera angles? lol

more lols@onceuponatime am sure that the camera angles has nothing to do with it but okay :D