"This leafy undergrowth tastes good in my mouth"
Crazy turkey! Where else is it going to taste good!?So I guess turkeys go for buds, sprouts and fresh leafy morsels in early spring and work their way up to bugs and berries during the summer.

Four turkey gents strutting their stuff for my Steemit audience
According to Turkeypedia, wild turkeys can fly close to the ground for about a quarter of a mile and can mount on tree branches as a refuge from foxes, coyotes and that hungry weasel character from Looney Tunes.

You called me a WHAT?!
He called you a turkey. Have you even looked in the mirror lately? Do we REALLY have to go over this again? The more you deny it, the more we all feel sorry for you.

Hey guys, that jerk over there's taking our picture!
At this point, things were heating up and I had to make tracks before it was too late. Heart pounding, I escaped inside and had a sandwich with bugs and berries. Those turkeys have some good recipes.

Tomorrow I'm driving out to the city, which I totally hate. I finished two animations today and will 're-group' tomorrow in preparation for the weekend. I'm surprised I've been able to post this week, albeit my timing is really off and I'm spending an inordinate amount time talking about wild birds.Hopefully my meeting tomorrow will run smooth and I can get back to not being outside the house. Computers and monitors are too heavy to carry everywheres and I don't like bad drivers (except for myself), so I surrrrrrre want to stay home!

haha that last pic, another caption would be: What are you looking at? Come at me brah!
I know what you mean, that turkey was pretty upset!
Alrighty, now we know you've gone stir-crazy, eating bug and berry sandwiches.
EVERYONE knows bugs and berries belong in a wrap. Sheesh. 😁
Well this cracked me up!! Hahah
I dunno what I was thinking... yep, a nice green spinach wrap... ☺
Much Turkey! Such wings!... is it ok to admit that turkeys kinda scare me... lol
I think birds in general are a hot-tempered bunch, and who can blame them after all they've been through XD
OK that's fair. But all I see is angry little dinosaurs lol- I want to give them hugs, but beaks and tallons!!!
Actually, now that I think about it I'm pretty sure I dreamt last night that I was being chased by a pterodactyl in a DR seuss themed amusement park... soooo i'm going to go ahead and blame you for that friend.... ;D
At least you can save a trip to the store in November
I don't think I've tried wild turkey, is it too rubbery because it's in the wild ?
slow cooker <3 <3
Add a few shots of Wild Turkey.
So THAT's why all the turkeys have gone wild! They must've found an open bottle somewhere in the woods!
Either that or some funny looking plants..
I think the meat is darker. It might taste more gamey but I'm sure it is WAY healthier and might taste better. Great commentary by the way. lol
I would imagine wild game is a lot better, factory farming is bad news :O
Glad you liked my comments :D
I wish we would raise the animals we eat better. You kind of remind me of this commentator. lol
Oh wow I did not know that turkey can fly that much! Turkeypedia lol is that really exist? 😆
Yes! Not the domestic, but the wild version. Do you have turkeys in Japan or just pheasants? Maybe you can adopt a turkey.
No, there's no turkeypedia, but there should be!!!
Dam, work must be hella rough right now haha
Actually like your non art posts too 😂 hope you enjoy your trip to the outside world bro!
It's entirely brutal... but I'm fairly tenacious in my posting activity nonetheless!
The outside world has subsided until next wednesday's meeting... Leaving the house makes me soooooooooooo tired! ☺
Yeah I don't know how you do it bro!
Did you get a chance to knock out a few posts today?!
And hell yeah! Going outside is overrated lol. I rather HODL in the comfort of my living room lol
No, zero posts today. I mayyyyyyy draw something up for tomorrow... of course I always have ideas, just no time...
Swammmmmmped with work, I'm not joking this time, it's BAD!!! :O
feel that! This has been my first day off in 6 days and I slept until noon smh! Good luck with your work week bro!
Ha! That last pic of it looking at you is hilarious! I like the wild bird pics! I’ve never seen a wild turkey myself, I hope I do, someday! I feel like they should be in my area... apparently they like to eat juniper berries, and we’ve got plenty of junipers to go around! But alas, I still haven’t seen one!
That sounds strange, I've been in both colder and warmer areas and turkeys have been a constant. A solid rock of reliability in times of turmoil. I hope you get turkeys and soon!
Yeah! I dunno why they’re not really here hat I’ve seen! I know my grandparents on the other side of Oregon get wild turkeys all the time! Huge flocks!
It feels like Poultry meets The Three Stooges... I love it!
I was about to make a joke about overnighting you a box of live turkeys, but Turkey Protection Services would drop a hammer on me for even the suspicion of turkey-running...
Those turkeys are bad guys hahahaha
I hope you do well in your meeting and return quickly to continue studying the lives of the badboy turkeys. ;)
Thanks!!! Have you ever seen the teeth of a turkey? Razor sharp!
It looks like when I return, there's more website stuff to work on... Not my favourite, but it's work, right!!!
Work is work must be fulfilled, the truth if I have seen them but I do not want to see the teeth and if one persecutes me I will run harder than a ferrari hehehehe
Beautiful shots @overkillcoin!! I loved the one with their wings out, they have such beautiful feathers... <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
@lyndsaybowes thanks! I was hoping you'd find this post haha... the wait is over!
Be careful with the compliments though, Mr. Pendock will get jealous ☺
He should be jealous of that :)
I'm glad I saw this one too, been waiting for you to show proof of turkey.
Haha. My grandfather had a few turkeys that would visit his back door nightly. Same time every day and he would toss out some bread to them and talk to them. lol
Now......fast forward to present time....I went by his house last weekend and I kid you not. There were at least 25 turkeys around him. He looked like the general of his own turkey army. It's crazy. And now his neighbors are complaining. Not sure what the point of my story is. lol
I guess if you want a loyal turkey army.....go out everyday and chat with the turkeys while tossing bread. : )
Whaaaaaaaaaat? The world needs more turkeys! What's the exact reason for the complaining? Unless he's feeding them Dollar Store bread hahaaa...
I don't feed them, but they like the big open field with plenty of morsels to dig up :D They're scared of me and the dog, so they're still more "wild" than they are "turkeys"...
I'm still struggling to figure out the point of this post haha....
Just perfect.. wow :
Thanks for your good posts, I followed you! +vote
I cry fowl! Did you know that Benjamin Franklin thought the turkey was a more respectable bird than the eagle?
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Wow wonderful photo.
There is four photos, which one is wonderful. Are you a SPAMMER??? XD
Wow, you stole that comment from someone else and have been using it for the last 3-4 posts. Why not study how not to leave a real comment instead having to steal them?