One of my favorite seasons! The trees will soon start to take off all of their clothes, baring their branches and their trunks to the impending strokes of winter. The landscape is transformed into a kaleidoscope of colors as they drop their clothes (leaves) onto the floor! Yellows, browns, red and greens abound!
I call it the season of retrospection and preparation.
Have a look below at some of our early Autumn colors!
A "blonde" patch of leaves at the front of our "Silver Birch" tree indicating autumns approach.
A type of wild, day Lillie's at the border of our garden at the back! Day Lillie's because they sleep at night!
During late afternoon, the Lillie's fold up like this as they go to sleep!
Some garden flowers, I call it a razzmatazz of colors!
And finally some early morning succulent flowers!
I mentioned introspection in the introduction, it is also applicable to the human factor! Surely by the end of March, we will be able to measure our performances according to our annual plan and adjust the shortfalls!
What? No annual plan? Join the club! Every year thus far, I have never set a personal plan for myself!
Yes, plans and budgets are set for the Papillon charity and they are regularly inspected, but on a personal note, I am addicted to freedom.
Does it work? Yes indeed, for me it does! I simply roll with the punches and dance in the rain. Unexpected problems and unforeseen expenses cannot surprise me, as I simply view them in the broad mirror of life's experiences! Not that I loaf around, as I am one of the busiest guys that I know! But I have learn't one thing; you cannot possibly know what to expect tomorrow, next week, or next month!
The saying is; "You make your plans and then life happens" I say, let it be! Live a simple life, keep your nose out of other people's business and be kind to all that you encounter! A simple, but very effective recipe to life that works for me!
Oh! And of course be yourself at all times! Whatever they say behind your back is like the wind, as long as you don't hear it, and if you do, feel sorry for the scandal mongers as sooner or later they will be found out and discarded!
The truth cannot be hidden, but know that many have only winter in their minds and there are no other seasons in there! Only the bitter cold! Forgive them, for they do not know better!
Think about it!
Thank you for visiting a post by @papilloncharity

I can't wait for Winter, let it rain, let IT RAIN!!
Oh yeah and we pray, let it rain Lord, please open the heavens and let it rain! Blessings!
Wow.such a beautiful picture and nice post. keep it up.thanks for sharing.people will be like on this.keep sharing.seasonal post.keep it up
Thank you and indeed I will keep it up! Blessings!
Great shots! As for plans like you if it's for business it's all business but when it's personal no plans. :/
Exactly and true! Blessings!
Good pos
Looks like a really beautiful time of year for South Africa, CHEERS !
A restful and a peaceful time my friend! Blessings!
I am so happy that it is time for Autumn there.. because that means it is time for Spring here!!!
Great for you my friend!
Yes, almost time for the major introspection. Although I, like you, live free and dance in the rain. Introspection is something that I do every morning. I live only according to what the Holy Spirit tells me. For the rest, I go with the flow. And it makes me happy.
Oh, and about autumn leaves, is there anything more beautiful than an old oak tree in its russet colours in autumn?!
I love a Lady Oak in her russet dress and it's the very same Holy Spirit that reminds us about God's beauty!
Lovely pictures. Oh and that Day Lilly is actually a Butterfly Iris!
I Would love to have more Flowers in my garden but they don't get a chance to grow with all the dogs trampling them all the time!
Wow! A Papillon Iris! My heart is overjoyed as Papillon is the French word for Butterfly! Thank you so much for this Sir as we do all under God's Grace! Blessings!
Ok so you got the right name, never knew that @glugster I have plenty in the garden, when they seed I scatter them around, they are so pretty.
Joan, I'm actually not that clever. I use a simple trick to help me find the flower in question. I right-click on the picture and select the option to "Search Google for image" (This might be a Chrome feature). Google then analyses the image and attempts to identify it. They also show you other images that look the same.
Ah! So now I have also learnt another trick! Thank you @glugster
Planning too far ahead, agreed not for me either. Like the flower every season, plan and think a little ahead but not too far, I like surprises.
Oh yeah, my kinda music as we call surprises adventures! Good and bad as each holds a lesson for us!
What a beautiful garden and some great lessons to go along with it :) Nicely done @papilloncharity!
Thank you Sir! @glugster actually told me the name of the flower and it fits so well with @papilloncharity, it is a Butterfly Iris