If you look closely you can see the pollen already on the bee's legs! They are hard workers!
Here is a better look at the pollen that the bee gathers!
It seems that I am starting to figure out the Macro settings on my camera, although I mainly bought it for its super Zooming abilities! I acknowledge that I still have much to learn, but a start is better than nothing.
Hope you enjoyed the shots by @papilloncharity
All photos are my own and taken with a Canon SX60
Wouuu its incredible
Thank you!
Nice post !
Thank you!
I just visited a lavender farm and couldn't look away from all the bees at work. They're so amazing, and must be good practice for macro photography!
Thank you for the kind reply and oh yes, the bees present excellent training for macro shots! I also have had a Dragonfly published in a USA Magazine. They are much more difficult to snap. Blessings! Stephen
These utterly beautiful photos can be seen on my wall now! Great job, Zac!
I am Cornholio! (Whoa! Hm heh... that was cool) I need T.P. for my bunghole! Come out with your pants down!
Thank you so much for the support! Blessings to you and yours!
They sure are hard workers
you got some awesome shots
Thank you Sir JJ. Maybe one day I can become as good as you! But of course by then you would have progressed to much higher levels! Blessings!
looks very pretty!!
Thank you!
Thank you!